The Big Cover Up
We couldn't believe it when we saw it in the newspaper. It wasn't an article about a FBI agent spying for the Russians for 20 years. No, it was a different kind of cover up that caught our attention. Here it is, as we saw it in the Spokane Spokesman-Review:
Road crews pave over a dead deer
Andreas, Pa.: State transportation officials are trying to find out why workers repairing a stretch of road paved straight over a dead deer.
A gooey spread of oil and rocks was left covering the deer's head, neck and shoulders along Route 895.
"The deer was lying there dead for three to four weeks," said Keith Billig, the mayor of nearby Bowmanstown, about 65 miles northwest of Philadelphia. "I never saw anything like that before in my life."
It is against state policy to pave over a deer, said Walter Bortree, an engineer for the state Transportation Department.
What about me?
What were they thinking? Or maybe the question should be, What were they drinking? Did they think no one would notice? But as I considered it, I began to think about the times I've tried to hide my mistakes and sins when they were painfully obvious to those around me--like a dead deer smack-dab in the road.
It's a human tendency to cover up our mistakes, weaknesses and sins. But when, if ever, does it pay? Adam and Eve tried to hide in the Garden of Eden after taking the forbidden fruit. After killing Abel, Cain tried to pretend he didn't know where his brother was. King David's attempt to hide his adultery with Bathsheba snowballed into murder.
Did they really think they could fool God? Sometimes, subconsciously, I must think that too. But Proverbs 5:21 gives a "God's eye view": "For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the Lord, and He ponders all his paths."
David, for one, learned that covering up does not pay. He suffered the loss of a child and great family trauma. But he did find the real solution to the problem of human failings. We don't have to continually trip over our "dead deer." We can be forgiven!
David understood the need for repentance and change, and for God's forgiveness. He wrote: "The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy. He will not always strive with us, nor will He keep His anger forever. He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities. For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him; as far as east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us" (Psalm 103:8-12).
In this issue of Virtual Christian Magazine, several articles explore this theme of hidden sins, repentance and the incredible blessing of God's forgiveness. Becky Bennett (yes, she's my wife) writes about the lessons we learned in our "Trial by Tile." Originally she wanted to use the dead deer story in her article, but I don't think she'll mind that I used it here.
The lead article also looks at the awesome blessing of forgiveness made possible by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. "Are We Missing God's Message?" explores the day Christ died and the meaningful symbols He gave the Church in the New Testament Passover. This often overlooked festival has largely been replaced by holidays of nonbiblical origin, but there is incredible meaning in the festivals of the Bible. Don't let them remain covered up. Besides reading through this issue of Virtual Christian Magazine, I hope you'll take the time to request copies of the resource material that is offered, such as God's Holy Day Plan and Transforming Your Life. They are free in the public interest, and all you have to do is click here to request them.
Let us know what you think of this issue, and be sure to watch out for dead deer!