Who Cares?

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Who Cares?

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Often times we can be overcome with the emotion of a situation, the stress of daily life, the trials that we have to face, or the disheartening news of society. We ask ourselves, “Who really cares for me and the circumstance that I am going through?” We wonder if anyone notices what is happening in our world. Too often during these times we forget just how much God and Jesus really care for us.

We know that we worship a God who, along with His Son, has a wonderful plan for expanding their family. A plan that offers hope and salvation through the supreme sacrifice of Christ that covered the penalty for each of our sins individually. But beyond that plan and the ultimate sacrifice, what other ways does God show us He cares?

Jesus’ example on earth

While Jesus was suffering for all of humanity, dealing with the emotional and physical torment of His crucifixion, He set an example for us as He cared for His physical mother. We read in John 19:26, (King James Version throughout) “When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!” During that time, the eldest son was responsible for providing for his parents. A widow would be dependent on her son for support and protection. Jesus recognizes that His death would leave Mary dependent on others, and He takes the time to make sure she will be cared for.

How often have we used a trial or a time of suffering to excuse ourselves from expressing love to another? We can get so focused inwardly on our own needs that we forget to notice the needs of others around us. It is at this time that often true healing can occur, when at our weakest moments we show love and care for others.

The details

Life can be demanding; we have numerous responsibilities, commitments, tasks, and chores. We go about the day, perhaps without realizing how intense the care is that God has for us. We are told in Luke 12:7, “But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.” I know that I have no idea how many hairs I lose on a given day, but God tells me that at any given point He knows how many are on my head, and not only my head but every person on the earth. What a truly awesome level of care and concern that God and Christ show towards us.

Jesus still cares

We see another example of the care that God and Jesus show to us in the story of the stoning of Stephen. We are told Stephen is a faithful man, and at the time of his martyrdom, Stephen was given a vision of God and Jesus in heaven (Acts 7:55-56). What an amazing example of care to encourage Stephen at a time of great despair and anguish with a vision of the hope that was the foundation of his faith.

It can be noted that Jesus sits at the right hand of God. “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the righth and of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2).  However, in the vision of Stephen Christ is standing. “And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God” (Acts 7:56). Was this a demonstration of Christ’s caring effort to encourage Stephen? Possibly.

Called to care

As we live our lives and strive to be like our older Brother and coming King, perhaps we can take these examples and try to mimic the care and concern that Jesus has. Take the time to really listen to others; try to understand the difficulties someone else may be facing and find a way you can lessen their burden or encourage them. It always amazes me how the little things that we do for each other can totally turn someone’s day around, such as holding a door, lending a dime, picking up something someone has dropped, smiling, or sending a card or flowers. Then sit back and watch the attitude difference that a simple action can make.

We are told that we are to show love to each other, preferring and honoring each other; “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another” (Romans 12:10). We are to care, just as God and Christ care.

Request our free Bible study aid booklet, Who Is God? to find out more about the attributes of our heavenly Father.

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  • Jeremy Gibson

    Very encouraging! Great read, I like that you pointed Jesus, standing instead of sitting, out. Never noticed that before. I often times feel shunned and left out also. I let my circumstances get the best of me, and tend to focus on what I don't have instead of what I'm blessed to have. I don't have many friends that relate to my calling, but I'm hanging in there for my Father and Brother. This needs be at the moment, I've grown a lot. God bless you sister hang in there! :-)

  • GuyBurke

    Thanks for this helpful, encouraging article.

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