Bible Commentary: Topical Reading: Atonement

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Topical Reading: Atonement

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Reconciliation to God

The Day of Atonement, known to the Jews as Yom Kippur, is a solemn occasion on which we are to “afflict our souls” by fasting, i.e., abstaining from food and water. This spiritual “feast” represents the binding of Satan the Devil and, also, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ being applied to all of mankind following His return, beginning with Israel. As the day upon which the Jubilee year was proclaimed, it also heralds the wonderful freedom that mankind will experience once these events have occurred. In conjunction with the selected passages below, it would also be helpful to read “The Day of Atonement: Removal of Sin’s Cause and Reconciliation to God” from God’s Holy Day Plan: The Promise of Hope for All Mankind.

The Day of Atonement introduced to Israel; Goats for the Eternal and Azazel; Acceptable vs. unacceptable fasting Leviticus 23:26-32; Leviticus 16:1-34; Isaiah 58:1-12
The Jews finally recognize Christ and repent; Satan bound Zechariah 12:1-14; Revelation 20:1-3
The Year of Release and the Jubilee; The Acceptable Year of the Lord proclaimed Leviticus 25:1-55; Isaiah 61:1-11