Do I Need to Be Re-Baptized?

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Do I Need to Be Re-Baptized?

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Often when someone is really studying the Bible in depth for the first time, they realize what they were taught or led to believe about Christianity and the Bible is wrong. Sometimes people who had already been baptized into a church or denomination wonder whether or not their baptism is valid. If you're in this situation, here are a few questions to consider:

Did I have a repentant attitude when I was baptized?
Was I completely immersed under water during the baptism?
Was there a laying on of hands after my baptism and a prayer asking for my receipt of God's Spirit?
Have I developed solid biblical understanding after baptism?
Do I have a healthy and effective prayer life?
Am I making progress in overcoming sins and human nature?

Positive answers to these questions mean God's Spirit is likely working with or in you. It's a good idea to talk to a pastor about these things and whether or not you should be re-baptized. You can find the contact information for your nearest United Church of God pastor here.


  • Susankgata2

    I got baptized twice, because of my conscience that I sinned against God, but I was baptized at New Hope Assembly of God church. And there wasn't any laying of hands we just went right into church service. They say their a Christian church but their sermons was sugar coated and they participated pagan holidays in their church. It was more important to them to attract many members instead of telling truth. Which a lot of churches are these days. Now that I now attend United church of God which are true Christians cause they follow the Word of God and don't celebrate pagan holidays, plus they worship on Saturday the way God intended us to do.. I want to be re-baptized into the family of God not the family of a hypocrite church. I choose life. Shalom.

  • Geri
    I believe I can answer yes to all the questions except for the laying on of hands. That wasn't part of the ceremony in The Dicple of Christ Christian church.
    I was baptized twice. But the first time there was no laying on of hands. But i think i still received the Holy Spirit because i felt like my body was on fire, and lots more things happened i cant get into here,,but I persanally didnt think or believe i needed to be. But i did. Now I feel it just made my feelings more strong. I am glad i did.
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