Does predestination mean that God has already predetermined who will be in His Kingdom?

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Does predestination mean that God has already predetermined who will be in His Kingdom?

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The belief that God has already predetermined our lives and our rewards or punishments is a mistaken understanding of the subject of predestination.

Regarding predestination, Ephesians 1:5 tells us that God "predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself." Speaking of Christ, verse 11 says, "In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will." Romans 8:29-30 adds, "For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified."

In reading these scriptures, there are two ways we can understand predestination. One way is to assume that God has everyone's life already planned out and that He already knows what we are going to do. Another way to understand predestination is from the perspective that God planned the purpose for human beings in the beginning (to become His sons and daughters), although He doesn't know what each of us will do. Let's consider a few additional scriptures to see which way we should understand these passages.

In Genesis 4 we read of God talking with Cain, who was upset that his offering was not accepted. God told him, "If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it." If God had already predetermined what Cain would do, it would have been pointless to give Cain the advice to "rule over" sin. God gave Cain this advice and then allowed him to make his own decision.

This is free moral agency—the opportunity God gives us to make choices regarding what we will do. In Deuteronomy 30:19, God encouraged the ancient Israelites to "choose life"—that is, choose His way of life so they could receive blessings. Again, if God already knew what choice they would make, this encouragement would have been pointless.

In accordance with these passages (and many more throughout the Bible), we realize that God wants us to choose and live His way of life, but He doesn't know in advance what each of us will do.


  • Dawn Hagen

    If God doesn’t know the choices we will make, why did Jesus tell his disciple that he would deny him 3 times before the rooster crows? And how did Jesus know that Judas was going to betray him?

  • Donald Holz

    The we is the church.

  • Donald Holz

    Rom 8:28
    And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
    Rom 8:29
    For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

    To many people misunderstand these two verses thinking that God is saying that He is predestining individuals to be Christians. Not true, John 14: 6 and others tell us that we must put our trust in Jesus in order to be saved. Therefore the only common sense answer is that God predestined those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and savior. It is the church, the elect, the saved, that has been predestined. Every one is called, but we must accept that calling. God only conforms Christians to the image of His Son.

  • gconserve

    I agree with you Michael , and to those who came up with the scriptures Roman 11,Roman 8:28-29 Hebrew 12:23 I want you to know that you need the love of God and the Holy spirit to help you understand the Words of God.
    The above scriptures are simply in accordance with Ephesian 1:5/read it. The only predestination God made since the creation of our world is for everyone to be saved.Therefore he predestined his son to save the world.certainly, he did and continuously guide the chosen ones for THAT PURPOSE.Example Jonas and the big fish/Paul and the bright light. Understand : GOD WANTS EVERYONE TO BE SAVED BUT Calls A FEW to work HIS PURPOSE ( the salvation)

  • Susan Lane

    The scriptures speak for themselves. All you need to know is what He says in His word. He FORKNEW us and those of us He forknew He predestined. He said He knew us before the world was made and we are to be used for His purpose. Rom. 8:28-30. We do have free moral agency however He directs our paths (Ps. 3:5&6) if we trust and acknowledge Him. There is a difference between control and directing our lives to bring about His purpose for us. We all know when God first started working in our lives, guiding and directing our path. This is how God brought us to where we are today. Another example....Jonah. He didn't want to do what God asked of him so He caused him to be swallowed by a big fish. God was directing his path;to be used by God to bring about His purpose. Likewise Paul. (Saul) was blinded, not just because of the bright light of Jesus but so God could use him the way He did. He directed Pauls path for His purpose. God wants us to choose life and by bringing about circumstances in our lives for His purpose and plan is how he does it. After all His word says He FORKNEW us.

  • Susan Lane

    Predestination applies to Gods elect; His called out and chosen ones. Past, present and future, all the way up to the time of the end; for His purpose. To bring about His plan, eventually for all mankind. Rom.8:28-30... The New Living Translation says in Rom.11:29 For Gods gifts and His call can never be withdrawn. The New Living Bible in Rom.8:30 also adds, He PROMISED us His glory. The NKJ says in Rom.11:29, For the gifts and the calling of God are irrrevoccble.

  • Susan Lane

    We always say the bible interprets itself but we have to let it. WE must not lean on our own understanding. Prov3:5 All the talk I hear about predestination is mans opinion. So many scriptures back it up. Please revisit the topic of predestination. We deserve to know the truth. and God's word is truth. a few more scriptures... NAS Acts13:48 As many as had been "appointed to eternal life" believed. NLT Heb.12-23 Whose names are written in heaven. 1 more, NLT Rom8:28-30 v.29 For from the very beginning God decided that those who come to Him and all along He new who would, should become like His Son etc. v.30 And having chosen us, He called us to come to Him, and when we came he declared us not guilty etc. and PROMISED us His Glory. NCV Rom11-29 God NEVER changes His mind about the people He calls.

  • Susan Lane

    These scriptures speak for themselves. N.L.T Eph 1:4; (He loved us before He made the world); NLT IITim.1:9 God's plan long before the world began. NLT Titus 1:1&2 NLT Heb. 12:23 NLT Rom 8:29 also v's28&30. Also TLB Rom8:28-30 V.30 AND promised us His Glory. God cannot lie. NAS (new American standard)Rom8:28-30,v.29 Those He FOREKNEW .......He predestined. NKJ also Rom 8:28 Those He FOREKNEW. Now God's word says that when we die our spirit returns to Him, who gave it/He says He foreknew us....... NCV Rom11:28-32,God never changes His mind about the people He calls Rev13:8 & Rev17:8 says their names were not written in the book from the foundation of the world/or before the world was made. Here he's not picking winners and losers, it's just that he already knew (like Judas Ascariot) before the world was made whos names were not written in the book. also Ps 139:13-16 all translations. NLT Isa46:3; NLT Rom11:39 Gods call can never be withdrawn. However NLT Heb.10-26 Deliberately; But there must be a FULL KNOWLEDGE of the truth, before they can be condemned. Only God knows this. Those who are predestined are called according to his purpose and plan

  • Susan Lane

    Part 1 I just want to point out that these words are not my opinion. Every single word here is word for word from the scriptures. Unlike all other articles on the subject. With 1 exception, I said: "He's not picking winners and losers, it's just that He already knew etc"

  • Jalest09

    So does God know the outcome? Does this mean we move through life with free will even though God already knows the outcome?
    Is it like recording a game on TV to watch it later, then you come home to watch it, but someone already says Blue team won. You end up watching the game knowing the outcome.

    What's the use of watching the game when you already know the outcome...yeah you can watch to see the players action to win or lose the game, but at the end, we still know the outcome....

  • Susan Lane

    No, the most important thing people overlook is that His Word says He forknew us, before the world was made.That's how he knows.

  • Ivan Veller

    Hi, we believe that "[although God, being omniscient, has a good idea of what choices people will make, this is] far different from predetermining it. Because He grants mankind free choice, He cannot know what individual choices will be until a person actually makes his or her choice," as in the case of Abraham: "now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son" (Genesis 22:12, ESV 2011).

    As in the case of Pharaoh, "the omniscient God...know[s] to direct circumstances" should He so desire. However, "God has not mapped out every detail of a person's life."

  • PsychicKnight57

    I suggest you ask God for some serious insight bud! And please stop trying to put God in a tiny box. He is all present all powerful and all knowing. He knows you heart and your thoughts and knows what choices you will make. Just because he knows dose not mean that he forced it on you. You choose and he allows it. God says his thoughts are higher then your thoughts. What dose that mean to you. The only way you could ever understand God is if he himself gives you that understanding. The word of God is interpreted by the holy spirit to you. Not you your self interpreting it. God himself gives knowledge and wisdom of the word. I pray that you will ask for God to give you true sight into his word. I don't like it when people put him in a box or deny his power or authority.

  • reverendcady

    I have to disagree somewhat with the fact that our God is "all knowing in all things", therefore He already knows what we are going to do, but yet He still wants us dodecide for ourselves what we are going to do, that is why we are given the freedom to chose. Also, God does not and will not force Himself on anyone, ever! This too is why we have the freedom to chose what we do, but in the Bilble it states that God is "all knowing of all things and deeds".

  • Skip Miller

    Hello reverandcady,
    Predestination is something particular and, in general, incorrect.

    God is (a whole lot more than you & I can fathom.)
    But God has a plan that is understandable
    and currently being worked out.
    Could God have done it differently? Of course!

    Our best move is to make every effort we can to understand His plan.
    That is what the presenter was saying. Could God control us tightly?
    Yes He could but according to the rules He set up, He usually doesn't.
    If we live our lives according to those rules, things work out better.

    I suggest an in-depth study of those rules which promise
    down the road (sooner or later) if the rules are followed,
    Eternal Life!

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