Does your Church have a stance on older women marrying younger men, specifically a man in his late twenties and a woman more than 20 years his senior?
As you mentioned, the Bible doesn't specify age ranges in marriage. But there are biblical principles that do impact your question. Clearly age differences are one of several important compatibility factors associated with successful marriages. For instance, the Bible teaches the basic principle that we should count the cost before entering into any important relationship (Luke 14:28). Will we be able to sustain it through thick and thin?
The high divorce rate today is but one symptom of the inability of couples to realistically assess long-run matters. Human nature tends to focus on the honeymoon rather than sustaining a happy marriage in the long term. A young man who is considering marrying a substantially older woman may eventually want children. This may be a serious difficulty in terms of the limited biological clock.
Guidance from the ministry, family members, relatives and good friends should usually be sought before entering marriage. "Without counsel plans go awry, but in the multitude of counsellors they are established" (Proverbs 15:22). If possible it may also be wise to seek advice and counsel from married couples with similar age differences.
For further information, please request our free set of article reprints titled Marriage and Family.