I have a friend who has started wearing all black clothes. People are making fun of her, and she supposedly told someone she is gothic. She has been a good friend, so what should I do or say to help her?
We suggest you ask your friend why she is wearing all black. Sometimes others' intentions are misunderstood, so it is often best to ask. If she is trying to be gothic, you can explain to her your reservations about this kind of behavior. One site showing the link between being gothic and a focus on the dead and supernatural can be found at http://www.litgothic.com/LitGothic/research_frame.html. God does not want us to get involved in these kinds of things. As Deuteronomy 18:10-12 explains, "all who do these things are an abomination"—especially horrible and detestable—to God.
As a friend, perhaps you can encourage her to focus on more positive things. You can tell her why you don’t want to be involved with things gothic. We have a free booklet, Is There Really a Devil? that may be of help to you and your friend.
If your friend persists in her fascination with things gothic, we suggest you make some new friends who have similar interests as you because our friends do influence us.