Is it a sin to assist someone who is in severe pain to die?

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Is it a sin to assist someone who is in severe pain to die?

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The term for assisting someone to die is euthanasia, from the Greek for "good death," referring to methods of bringing about painless deaths. Doctors have been in the news for assisting those who are elderly and/or suffering to end their lives. From time to time we hear of lawmakers debating whether to legalize euthanasia.

It is already legal in Holland and the U.S. state of Oregon.

The Sixth Commandment plainly states, "You shall not murder" (Exodus 20:13 ). Human beings like to play mental games that reason around what God clearly and plainly states (see Proverbs 16:25 ). God, as the Giver of life, is the only one who can legitimately take it away—or direct someone else to do so. Murder is taking this divine prerogative to oneself—killing without God's permission. That includes the so-called mercy killing of someone who is suffering. Indeed, suicide is wrong for the same reason.

The Bible upholds the sanctity of human life. Life is to be highly respected! Life is precious!

There are many times when God allows a person to suffer before dying. Suffering can teach us many lessons. But there is no scripture that allows us to reason that it might be okay to painlessly take someone's life because he or she is suffering. The same goes for taking our own lives.

For more on what God's law says about murder and to help put present sufferings in perspective, send for or download our free booklets The Ten Commandments and Why Does God Allow Suffering?