Is it wrong to use euphemisms? Are they as bad as the actual words?

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Is it wrong to use euphemisms? Are they as bad as the actual words?

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Euphemisms are substitute words or phrases that are considered less offensive ways of expressing something. For example, instead of saying, "Your dog died," you could say, "Your dog went to sleep" or "Your dog didn't recover." This is an appropriate use of a euphemism.

Then there are euphemisms for what are considered vulgar or coarse terms. Such euphemisms may or may not be acceptable depending on societal standards and context.

But some euphemisms are wrong even when society deems otherwise. Often people use euphemisms for the names of God and Jesus, such as "gosh," "golly," "gee" and "geez." What many people don't realize in using such terms is that they violate the spirit of the Third Commandment, which says, "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain" (Exodus 20:7). To use God's name in a vain way means doing so in a casual or idle way.

While the use of euphemisms for God's name may not be as bad as using the actual names, since there may be a sincere intent here to avoid violating God's command, it constitutes a violation nonetheless. Modifying God's name so as to avoid technically using it while still retaining a similar sound is itself a form of treating His name in a cavalier, unacceptable manner.

As a matter of respect for God, we need to remember that His name is holy (Psalm 111:9). Saying one of God's names, or even a euphemism for God, when we are upset or angry does not honor Him. Neither does using His name, or a euphemism representing His name, when we really aren't thinking of Him. Using euphemisms in these ways violates the Third Commandment.

Of course, this is not to say that God will hold us guilty for being completely unaware that some word we use is a euphemism for His name. But we might be guilty of negligence in our speech, as all of us have a responsibility to be careful in what we say (Matthew 12:36-37), which includes looking into such expressions. This applies all the more once we are aware that such substitute expressions exist and that we shouldn't use them.


  • KARS
    Hi Elijah, It isn't just about God but other substitue words for bad words. If we get into the habit of staying them different and yet they still mean the same thing (these slang words) it is still not right. The most I can do is walk away. If they ask why I am walking away; I just say I don't want to learn the bad words. As for God's name being said in vain. I ask the question; Are you praying out loud?
  • ElijahAmein
    I tell my friends this: we shouldn't put His Name in vain. When they use terms such as "Hallelu-Yah" vainly, I promptly rebuke them... but I don't really know about "God" - I'm quite confused about it 'coz it is NOT His Name. Telling them/myself to stop using "OMG" might edge on legalism. Thoughts?
  • Skip Miller
    Hello ElijahAmein, I would encourage you to continue to gently correct your friends using euphemisms. But I personally think the word God is the most abused. God IS the family name (in English.) God the Father, God the Son (also called Jesus & Christ.) But we too are children of God, aren't we? To me the family name "God" is extremely important.
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