What did the two disciples on the road to Emmaus mean when they said, "Today is the third day since these things happened"?

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What did the two disciples on the road to Emmaus mean when they said, "Today is the third day since these things happened"?

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It's logical to question how it could be the third day, when Christ was in the grave for a full three days and three nights as He had promised in Matthew 12:39-40. In Luke 24, the two disciples referred to Sunday as being the third day since "all these things" (Luke 24:14) happened. There were other things the Jews and Romans did after Christ was buried. Notice what Matthew included about their actions:

"On the next day, which followed the Day of Preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees gathered together to Pilate, saying, 'Sir, we remember, while He was still alive, how that deceiver said, "After three days I will rise." Therefore command that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest His disciples come by night and steal Him away, and say to the people, "He has risen from the dead." So the last deception will be worse than the first.' Pilate said to them, 'You have a guard; go your way, make it as secure as you know how.' So they went and made the tomb secure, sealing the stone and setting the guard" (Matthew 27:62-66).

Christ had already been buried nearly one whole day when these things were done.

The last things the Romans and Jewish leaders did were to seal the tomb and place soldiers on guard around it. Christ died on Wednesday afternoon. So the tomb was sealed on Thursday, the day following that Day of Preparation. Apparently the disciples were including these events in their reference to the things that had taken place. Counting from the securing of the tomb and the setting of the guard, Sunday would have been the "third day" since "all these things" happened.

For more information about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, please read our booklet, Jesus Christ: The Real Story.


  • joel

    "These things"happened to Christ on 14 Nissan. Not on 15 Nissan. Christ died at 3pm on that day. That is why the men did not include what happened the following day, ie. the sealing of the tomb. It would be meaningless. Christ had been killed, as He said He would. He would rise " the third day after His desth on 14 Nissan. Counting 3 days from 14 Nissan, we get to 17 Nissan(Sunday), "the third day". To confirm: counting 3 dsys inclusively from Sunday , we get to Friday. And counting invlusively from Saturday night, we get to Thursday! That is Nissan 14, the day of Christ's suffering and death. Note: the " third day" can not be 24 hours! It is part of a day! Example: The 7th day occurs during the whole day on Saturday , from sunset on Friday to Sunset on Saturday. Christ was not counting hours. He was counting days!
    "Apparently"is no proof of the truth. Please furnish a relevant scripture.

  • not2xs

    Yes, Because the 1st day of the week, Sunday, was THE THIRD DAY since the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death, and have impaled him:

    The Weekly Sabbath, Saturday, would have been THE SECOND DAY since the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death, and have impaled him:

    Then the 6th day of the week, Friday, would have been THE FIRST DAY since the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death, and have impaled him:

    And THE DAY when the chief priests and their rulers delivered him to be condemned to death, and have impaled him, would have been, THURSDAY.

    Something that many do not consider is, If the Messiah were in the grave for a 72 hour period of time then his resurrection would have been on the FOURTH DAY, but Scripture says he will be resurrected on the THIRD DAY (Mt. 17:22-23; 16:21; 20:18-19; Mk. 9:31; 10:32-34; Lk. 9:18-22; 13:31-32; 18:31-33; 24:6-7, 45-46; Acts 10:39-40; 1Cor. 15:3-4; Mt. 26:61; 27:39-40; Mk. 14:58; 15:29-30; Jn. 2:19-21)

  • EvanToledo
    This is a good example why we need to look at ALL Scriptures related to an event or topic to get the meaning. Too many religious teachers isolate a scripture to verify a human tradition or false teaching. In this case, the Scriptures are clear: Jesus Christ Himself said the proof He was Savior and Messiah would be his burial for three days AND three nights, AS was the Prophet Jonah was that same time period in the belly of the great fish. (Matthew 12:40) Once we really compare and investigate ALL the original Greek or Hebrew Scriptures and their original context, the Bible does NOT contradict itself!
  • Norbert Z
    Apparently a person may have to consider a couple of other translations. The New Berkeley Version in Modern English-- Gerrit Verkugl Moreover, three days have already passed, since all these events occurred. The Syriac New Testament Translated Into English From The Peshitto Version -- James Murdock ...and lo, three days have passed since all these things have occurred.
  • Lena VanAusdle
    @dust_i_am: This FAQ is obviously not extensive in it's presentation. Looking at the scriptures as a whole, and allowing them to interpret themselves is not going beyond the text to prove a point. It is using the text (all of it) to prove a point. If you look at scriptures designating time in the Bible it is generally exclusive, rather than inclusive, as we would count today.
  • dust_i_am

    "Apparently" clearly is the key word in this explanation. It assumes things the disciples never said in Luke 24:19-21. Isn't that going a bit beyond the text to prove the point?

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