What do near-death experiences tell us about life after death?

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What do near-death experiences tell us about life after death?

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The Bible records a number of miracles where a person is truly brought back to life after being dead for hours or even days (1 Kings 17:17-22; 2 Kings 4:18-37; 13:21; Matthew 9:18-26; 27:52; 28:5-8; Luke 7:11-17; John 11:14-45; Acts 9:36-42; 20:7-12). None of these stories give any accounts of consciousness after death.

News reports today of near-death experiences can be amazing, but they are not the same kind of miracle as recorded in the Bible. Still these stories can grab our curiosity. When someone supposedly comes back to life after he or she has died and relates the incident, we are intrigued. Sometimes these accounts appear to contradict the biblical passages describing death. How can that be?

Here is the answer provided in our free booklet What Happens After Death?

“The basic premise of these accounts is that the people describing their experiences actually died. True, many of them were declared ‘clinically dead.’ However, as with life itself there is much that medical science has not grasped about the nature of death. Doctors and scientists do not agree on exactly what constitutes ‘death.’ Some people, for example, may be brain-dead or comatose while the rest of their body goes on functioning for years. Others whose hearts or lungs have stopped have been successfully resuscitated with no permanent ill effects.

“In the Bible death is described as a state of total unconsciousness devoid of awareness, knowledge or perception (see Psalm 6:5; Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10). If we accept the Bible’s description of death, we realize that those who returned to consciousness or were medically revived and later related their experiences were not really dead in the true sense. Some vital organs, such as the heart, may have temporarily ceased functioning, but not all brain activity had stopped.

“Researchers have found that the human nervous system and brain operate largely through electrical impulses. The brain requires blood and oxygen to properly function, and when breathing or blood circulation is impaired the brain begins to malfunction. If these functions are interrupted long enough, the brain eventually ceases all activity.

“Some researchers conclude that the unusual sensations, including lights and sounds, reported by those revived after being clinically dead can be attributed to malfunctions of the nervous system and brain brought about by the shock to the body as a result of nearly dying.”


  • Rich K
    I must agree with all that has been said thus far, however there is another reason for these "near death" experiences that we in our belief must be very much aware of. "Satan is out to get us!" and he works through deception, now what a great deception to enter the mind of a person that is "clinically dead" but not really dead and give him/her the vision of warm, peaceful, beautiful light; and we must see this for what it is, a means for him to build further belief for immortality "you shall not surely die" also given that he is/was the high arch angel of light, at one time the most beautiful of all God's creation - - and that beauty led him into rebellion and a hatred of every human. Causing people to believe his lie will separate those people from God as they accept his false doctrine. The fact that he can not be everywhere at the same time explains why every person declared clinically dead is not given this vision.
  • seun

    twice i had experienced what death is like. I can tell you from experience that it is as the bible say it is. Every consciousnesses just cease.

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