What does 666, the number of the Beast, mean?

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What does 666, the number of the Beast, mean?

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The number of the Beast, 666, is associated with the mark of the Beast and the name of the Beast in Revelation 13:17. We are told to "count the number" and that it is "the number of a man" (Revelation 13:18). One early explanation is attributed to John's disciple Polycarp, who, according to his student Irenaeus, said this number is derived from adding together the numerical equivalents of the letters in the word Lateinos, the Greek word for "Roman"—this being the name of the Beast empire, its ruler and everyone in it. So the number may well denote this general distinction, though it could also be more specific.

Another explanation is that the Bible associates the number six with man; God made him on the sixth day of creation week. The number 666 is a triple repetition of the number of man and emphasizes that this beast represents a government whose base is human authority, as opposed to God's authority.

As with the mark of the Beast, God's people will reject it. They will "have the victory over the beast, over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name" (Revelation 15:2). However this prophecy is fulfilled, it is clear that accepting the mark or number will involve compromising and contradicting God's commands. Having proof that one is officially associated in some way with the Beast will be necessary for one to be allowed to engage in commerce (Revelation 13:17).

Exactly how the end-time number of the Beast, 666, will be used and applied is not yet clear. But in some way it will be associated with the Beast's name and applied to his evil activities.


  • wpjo

    And if one should read "and it is the numebr of man" inteas "the number of a man" ? In that very case, one may think something more abstract, nout bound by time like, e.g. the "united states dollar". In Aramaic (of course ! and NOT in any other language), this reads as ‘yntd stts dlr’, or; 10+60+400+4, 60+9+9+60, 4+30+20 = 474+138+54 = 666. And in taht very case, the hole stuff makes infinitely more sense.

  • Judy Cox

    Christ‟s uncle Jacob was executed by Herod. His uncle Hizkiah, father of Judas, the Freedom Fighter or “Zealot”, was executed after insighting a tax revolt in 4 BC. 2,000 of them were crucified surrounding the city of Sipphoris. Christ‟s uncle, Judas of Galama, was a grandfather of a freedom fighter named Barabbis. This may explain why the few children killed in Bethlehem were too insignificant to be mentioned by Josephus and other writers. The list goes on and paints a true picture of the “woman”, the “House of the Lord” being under siege by the dragon in Revelation 12.

    Christ was resurrected and returned to the Higher Realm, where He had previously lived, and He won a battle against Satan. This began the New Christian Era without "the accuser". This likely fulfills the First of the Fruits, the Firstborn of many brothers, 50 days before Pentecost.

    The spirit of antichrist denies that Christ was God in the Flesh who is presently has power over all demons, all flesh and all things. That spirit goes forth seeking to bring proselytes back to Jerusalem below to restore the temple and sacrificial offerings.

    Revelation does not mention the destruction of the temple in 70 AD.

  • george_kuku20@yahoo.com

    666. 6+6+6=18. Count along with what's in the middle. 6, 12, 18. 6 is a 6, 12 is a 3, and 18 is a 9. I have more calculations written on paper, but not on one paper. I used different papers to calculate the number, and it's so simple. 06/12/18, already passed, though. Either AC was born or have found out what he can do. Add some more of it, 12, 18, 24. 12/18/24. And another? But last, 12/24/36. These are years and i don't think the number is to be a name, but set dates. I think of things here and there. I don't mean sometimes, I mean I think of things from near to far, from seen to unseen, from seeing to not seeing. I think many things, and I believe I am the one with understanding. I don't even want to do this, the talking of the mark of the beast. But I am. I don't even want to say all that I am saying, but I am doing it. I scare myself. If I can explain all that goes on in my head, I would, but not here. It's not my time, it's not my place to tell it here. But one day, I know I am going to explain everything I think. No one else understands what I understand.

  • Skip Miller

    Hello George, I want to quote one sentence from your post that I think is very significant,
    "I think many things, and I believe that I am the one with understanding." George, I think many things as well, but I try not to let My thoughts become the "be all and end all" of the point in question. God's Word seems to indicate (to me anyway) that those following Jesus our Savior should have a great deal of humility. (1 Pet 5: 6,7 ; Col 3:12 ; and Eph 4: 2) for examples. It is possible that you might have stumbled onto something really important but those people that I have known personally who have gone off looking at (or for or into) numbers, become , well, let's just say, they get lost "in the forest" of integers. I believe sincerely that you will do much better if you research what Jesus says is "most important."

  • bg

    Hi everyone ! I was reading about the Anti-Christ , Man of Sin or Beast , in revelation yesterday , And its said that he is very well known by his actions , and that the whole world will worship him , so I wonder why and how anyone will miss him ? None will ! Only those that have their names written in the book of life will not !
    It does not appear to me that the number is a way of identifying him before he shows up on the scene or to pick him out of a crowd of leaders on the world stage . Why ? because he will do that in Grand fashion that will cause the world to marvel !!!

    The number is actually an instruction on how to deal with him at the time .

  • necroodork49

    616 is the new number now, After recent studies in Greek to Aramaic then back to Greek the number 616 is revealed instead of 666. Which then asks the question what is the number for Christ?

  • Lena VanAusdle

    Hi Graham, there is no indication in the Bible that there is a number assigned to Jesus Christ; that being said, there are only four papyrus that indicate the number should be 616; while there are hundreds that indicate 666.

  • juno
    The number Six hundred three score and six is what we call the number of the beast. Although the number connotes an undesirable impression, there is nothing in it that we should fear about. It is not the number of the devil and neither has it held any curse like most other people thinks. It is a very important number found in the bible for it is a key to understanding the message of God concerning the future of man. It is best to have a thorough knowledge about the beast to fully comprehend this matter. We can begin by understanding the meaning of the three symbolical terms (that are associated with the beast) as follows: The Mark of the beast Gen. 4, Ezek. 9, Rev.7 and Rev.13:16-17. We all know that God is omniscient, an all seeing and all-knowing God. He needs no sign or mark to know who we are, what we do or who we worship. God knows everything and can identify anyone even without a literal mark. The book of Revelation tells us that this mark is to be received in the forehead or right hand and it has been said that anyone found to have this mark shall receive the same wrath prepared for the beast. Having this mark in the body symbolizes submission to the authority of the beast which can be manifested through physical actions. The word “Mark” simply means identification. Gen. 4 tells us that “God sets a mark for Cain”. This statement however, doesn’t mean that a literal mark has been given to Cain as identification. Instead, Cain was sent out of the Garden of Eden to signify his separation from God. We have to understand that he who receives the mark of the beast does not only unite himself with the beast but also separates himself from God. This state of separation from God signifies the mark set by God for Cain. The prophet Ezekiel had a vision from God while being held in Babylon. God showed him of the abominations that his people have committed in the temple. This has angered God and determined to destroy them but spare those who sighed for their brethren’s wrong doings. God commanded that these faithful ones be marked in the forehead to protect them from His wrath. However, like Cain they were not physically marked but only separated from their rebellious brethrens as identification. Seal and mark Remember that all seals are marks but not all marks are seals. Also, a Seal is a permanent mark. Once a king sealed a decree, there is no way it can
  • Breckenridge85
    KJV says "six hundred threescore and six", I was thinking about it and had an idea, Kind of off the wall, but I guess anything is possible! What if it is the number of the leader who becomes the beast, and you literally "count the number", and he will be the 666th leader supporting the new world order? Sounds like a lot of people, but maybe going back to pharaoh in moses' day, and including all of the leaders in the past century who have helped start this NWO...political and spiritual. I don't know if there really are that many, just speculating. It would be a task to find out who all has been involved, esp with the secrecy. But, it does say "count the number" and it "is the number of a man". Time will tell...I love reading everyone's interpretations!! God bless you all!!
  • alan peters

    The book of Revelation, after ch 4, contains prophecies of "the End Times", so we are looking for something which occurred after 1948.
    There is a very simple and obvious (after the event) explanation!
    In the Gulf War, 10 Resolutions were passed by the United Nations. The first, number 661, imposed a complete embargo on all imports and exports to/from Iraq and Kuwait, with exceptions for certain medical supplies.
    Resolution 666, passed on 13 September 1990, modified 661 to allow other trading, in particular, food and medical supplies for humanitarian reasons, because 1000’s of civilians, including children were dying of starvation and illness.
    It was certainly the case that “no one could buy or sell” at that time, in Iraq or Kuwait, unless they had the “number of the Beast” (666) on their trading documents.
    So the number of the beast is the number of a resolution, 666 made by the second beast, the United Nations. The only discrepancy is that John says that they, had to have the mark on their forehead or their right hand, but the mark was actually required on the trading documents!
    It would have been at the TOP or on the RIGHT HAND side of the for visibility purposes

  • Confuse_us
    There are many interesting comments on this board! John, have you noticed that if you reverse the Greek letters they spell 'SEX' (in English)? What better way to 'magnify and serve oneself'? Perhaps the mark of the beast is unadulterated sexuality! Where we even kill our babies and make them pay the price for our 'service' (in the vein of Moloch, via abortion). In the U.S. today, the push to accept homosexuality is the latest incursion into 'sexual freedom'. There are no limits on who (or, I wouldn't be surprised to see, WHAT) we have sex with! Among the arguments I have seen repudiating the mainstreaming of homosexual 'marriage' is the possibility of extending the argument to children and animals! And, as we all know, pornography is as accessible as the internet these days. Perhaps computers and the internet represent the 'beast'. This technology has risen from the 'sea' (meaning 'the people'). You can say whatever you want 'anonymously' adding to the collective thought, while remaining hidden. In this way, the number can represent EACH person who reads, or posts, on the internet, while representing the cumulative thinking of humanity as a whole! The internet is becoming a major shopping tool as well (the number will allow you access to the markets). Perhaps ALL commerce will flow through the internet, and without a computer you will not have access. Each person who uses the net also is assigned a number (IP address)! Despite feeling protected and free to say what you want, everything can be visible to those who have the means to eavesdrop, giving godlike power and authority to the 'over seer'. You must admit, the internet has created an explosion in knowledge as prophesied for the end times. We can 'call fire out of the sky' to fall down on our enemies in ISIS via satellites and the internet, too! It will enable 'the world' to view the deaths of the prophets of revelation, as well as their resurrection! Think about it...
  • marco855
    I believe the passage is misinterpreted. It states (paraphrasing) that one needs wisdom and understanding, and then a calculation is necessary to discern the number of the beast. It continues, it is the number of a man, and his number is 666( or 616). This is my question; why is wisdom and understanding necessary, and why is a calculation needed when the number is provided in the text? Everyone believes that 666 is the number of the beast, but it's not possible if you correctly interpret what is written. When it states that wisdom and understanding are needed, then the number is given to you, how does that make sense? Why would any calculation be necessary if the number is given to you? I believe that everyone repeats what they hear, without thinking about what is written. The number of a man is 666, and from that basis, we have to determine the number of the beast. It's a difficult riddle, because it doesn't seem to follow logically. What is needed then, is to determine what the relationship is between the man and the beast, and how the mans' number relates to what the beasts' number is. That accomplished, we should then have enough information to make the calculation that is mentioned. If you think in these terms, it's clear that wisdom and understanding are needed because the answer is not necessarily straight forward. Each word has a meaning, so you have to define each one and ask why that particular word is used versus a synonym or other. The word understanding is very interesting to me. if i have wisdom, why then must i also have understanding? somewhere in that conundrum lies the answer, I believe...............
  • bem9999

    I follow your logic completely. In the year since you posted this, have you gained any insight into this conundrum?

  • Naresh Nelagondarashi
    I think 666 means... 1st 6 is indicating a Human/created by GOD on 6th day, 2nd 6 is indicating a JESUS CHRIST, 3rd 6 is Indicating a anti-Christ, he will be come between JESUS CHRIST and Human for to try to confuse the human.
  • STU
    we cannot fully know and understand the number 666... You should read from Daniel 7:24-25....Revelation 12 and 13 and pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you to the deep understanding of what that number(666) represent.
  • rwp_47
    It says that "the beast" and "a man" have a number (and evidently it is the same number). It says to count this number. But how does one "count a number"? What does that even mean? Take the number 4 for instance ... how does one count the number 4? We know how to count to 4. But to count 4 and to count to 4 would seem to be two different statements with different meanings ... just like the words SHELL and HELL have a number of things in common but have very different meanings. The article at the top of the page suggested that Polycarp thought adding the numerical values of the letters in one's name (evidently in the Greek language?) is what is meant by ... to count the beast's number. But is that actually what counting a number means? And if that is what it means then how is it authoritatively established that this is what counting a number means? What if its a nonsense statement? For instance ... What's the difference between a duck? Go ahead ... tell me. And go ahead ... count the number. And then prove that what you did is indeed counting the number. It strikes me that unless one knows for certain what to "count a number" means ... then trying to find the meaning of counting 666 will be a lost cause.
  • United Church of God
    Ricardo, the very few manuscripts which have 616 are not a major concern. There are about 300 samples of 666 and only four or five of 616. The early exegetes such as Irenaeus and Polycarp (A student of John the author of Revelation) knew of this and were unconcerned believing it was a scribal error. They and many others understood 666 as the correct text. In more modern times, biblical researchers have suggested another solution. Dr. Bruce Metzger, a recognized authority on manuscripts and Chair of the New Revised Standard Version Committee, says 616 and 666 can refer to the same entity. In Greek, 666 can yield “Nero Caesar” (Perhaps an exemplar of the Roman Empire) but 616 in Latin when transliterated into Hebrew also gives us “Nero Caesar” Therefore the difference may be a moot point. (See “A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament,” Page 676) Regardless as to whether we know the exact meaning; we should accept only God’s precepts and not be deceived by the cunningness of this coming “beast” power.
  • Ricardo
    What about the fact that there are actually several (copies of) manuscripts of the book of Revelation and that they refer to different numbers (not only 666)? That is, there are other copies of Revelation that refer to other numbers. For example, the oldest copy says 616 instead of 666. Wouldnt this possibly mean that each copists identified a different individual as the beast in his/(her?) own time and code it with a different number? Best, Ricardo
  • pololoy
    There was a pope named Sixtus V who reigned in 1585 to 1590. I am wondering if a future pope or anti-pope will take the name Sixtus VI. Sixtus means "the sixth" or 6th. And VI is the Latin numeral 6. What could be other "6"?
  • andreas1n
    I believe that "666" indicates a man making himself a "god" therefore when Christians hear of a man declaring himself to be a god they will know who he is and what he is.
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