What Does the Bible Say About Racism?

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What Does the Bible Say About Racism?

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God makes it clear that no one race of people is superior to another. On the contrary, He makes a point of telling Israel, the nation He chose to work with in the Old Testament, that "the stranger who dwells among you shall be to you as one born among you, and you shall love him as yourself; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God" (Leviticus 19:34).

However, some have felt that Israel and its descendants are racially superior to those around them. God has gone to great lengths to show us that this is absolutely not the case.

Some of the Jews of Christ's day viewed themselves as superior to those around them because of their descent from Abraham, and saw their salvation as secure because of their lineage. John the Baptist told a handful of these Jews, "Do not think to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.' For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones" (Matthew 3:9).

Peter was given a revelation by God to show him what had been true from the very beginning: that "God is no respecter of persons" (Acts 10:34, King James Version). The gentiles were just as much a part of God's plan as those descended from Israel—neither group superior to the other. Peter's very next sentence, as recorded in Acts 10:35 in the New King James Version, removes all doubt concerning what characteristics God pays attention to: "But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him" (emphasis added).

Nationality, lineage and race do not determine where we stand with God. People like Ruth, who has her own book in the Old Testament, or Rahab, who appears in the faith chapter (Hebrews 11), or Luke, a follower of Christ, were all gentiles who found a place in God's Word. Conversely, Israel, God's chosen people, suffered continued defeat and near-annihilation because of their insistence on disobeying God's Word (Hosea 4:6).

The Bible in no way supports the superiority of any ethnic group above another. The eternal distinction is between those who follow God's way of life, and those who do not. "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man's all" (Ecclesiastes 12:13). It's obedience to God and being filled with His Spirit that sets Christians apart—not their race.


  • handle
    Races have been biblically divided since the old testament. In Genesis 11:9, it says that the Lord scattered them for their own good since they were accelerating their destruction; constructing a tower to protect themselves rather than turning to God. Is it any big mystery that Africa contains blacks, europe whites, and east asians? If we track the migratory patterns given in scripture of the israelites through the old testament, the tribes of Menassah and Ephraim moved from middle east to eastern Europe, settling in britain and the british isles, then eventually to the promised land, a country landlocked by oceans on both sides and abundant in almost every resource. You guessed it. Good old USA.
  • malcrysydcarmorsar

    Hello: The scripture you referenced does say that the Lord scattered them....however, what does the bible say about racism, posed in the article's title? I believe the meat of the article pertained more to racist attitudes and actions, not so much about geography.

    Genesis 11:9New King James Version (NKJV)
    9 Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.

  • Nicodemus

    Its not that whites think they are superior or vice versa, god created different races and each race has its own kingdoms and lands to rule over, the issue is America... Ist mixed up, all races abide in one land, which causes blood fueds. The whites have maintained dominion over amereica for a long time now, but the tides are shifting and whites are losing there dominion, which is basically causing a more racially divided culture. But this to shall pass , god loves all of us equally. Try not to be offended, don't get involved in racial disputes. In the end its really not that important

  • joejhon

    This phrase is quite telling to me:

    "some have felt that Israel and its descendants are racially superior to those around them."

    By Israel, do you mean those who appear to be caucasian? Because last I checked, descendants of Israel were a MIXED MULTITUDE. You talk about "The Jews," in this piece putting them in with Israel, but do you realize there are also Ethiopian jews? Or do they not count as Israel because they're brown? There is this very dangerous perception in the church that whiteness= being descended from Israel, and this is simply not true!

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