What Is Apostasy?

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What Is Apostasy?

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The word apostasy is derived from a Greek word meaning “revolt,” and has come to mean specifically, according to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, “abandonment of a previous loyalty” and “renunciation of a religious faith.”

Readers of some New King James Version Bibles will notice that, although this word does not appear in the text of the Bible itself, the editors used the word in the headings of several sections of Scripture. These five sections (beginning in 2 Chronicles 24:15; 2 Chronicles 28:22; Hosea 8:1; 2 Thessalonians 2:1; and 1 Timothy 4:1) each address a “falling away” from God by an individual or a group.

The first three deal with two kings and a nation that turned their backs on God. Each is worth studying to understand the dangers of apostasy from God and what can bring it about. But even more pertinent are the last two references, both of which are titled “The Great Apostasy” in some New King James Version Bibles.

What these two scriptures describe is a time coming in the future, the “falling away” (2 Thessalonians 2:3), when “some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy” (1 Timothy 4:1-2). The event is explained as a precursor to the coming of God’s Kingdom (2 Thessalonians 2:2-3) and something that believing Christians must be on guard against.

To be on guard against apostasy, we must be keenly aware of who God is and what He commands—a state that must be maintained by continuous Bible study and prayer. Below are some resources to help you sharpen your spiritual sword.

Please read our free Bible study aid booklet Transforming Your Life, the Process of Conversion.


  • ProFetus

    Can I get a better explanation...How can muslim or any other religions fall away if they are not connected to the Salvation type of Faith in Yehovah /Jesus?

    The "WE" can also mean those that are Truly followers of the Christ. The Wheat and Tares come to mind.

  • Reverend Jim

    Apostasy is just what you've said. It's a revolt and complete abandonment of a PREVIOUS affiliation. Apostasy is NOT heresy or backsliding. You cannot be an apostate and remain in the affiliation/religion you've abandoned. Christians will NOT be part of this apostasy. The people implied here are the followers of the man of sin. What makes anybody think that Christians, or even heretics would accept this evil man? There's no indication these people are Christians. How do I know? Look at verse 13...
    "BUT WE are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:"

    The word BUT is a conjunction that shows opposition and distinction. According to Strong's...
    "universally, by way of opposition and distinction; it is added to statements opposed to a preceding statement: "

    The word WE, i.e. CHRISTIANS......"But we,"... distinguishes between the followers of Christ and the followers of the man of sin. Apostasy has nothing to do with Christians OR the church. This passage refers to MUSLIMS!

  • dust_i_am

    There's actually a Christian song with these words in the chorus: "Militant against the apostasy, but magnificent for our King."

    Strangely, I've only heard it on Family Radio. Harold Camping's Family Radio.

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