Why do other churches worship on Sunday rather than the seventh-day Sabbath?

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Why do other churches worship on Sunday rather than the seventh-day Sabbath?

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There is a long history behind why so many churches and Christian denominations observe Sunday rather than the Sabbath (Saturday). Much of this record can be confirmed in history books and encyclopedias.

Many in the early church (during the second century A.D.) began to incorporate some of the practices of the traditional pagan religions in the Roman Empire around them, including the practice of worshipping on Sunday. The church leadership also compromised and blended practices of Greek philosophers with Christianity.

The motivation for doing so was to distance themselves from anything Jewish. Although Christianity's roots are found in Jewish practice (God's laws in the Old Testament), church leaders at that time were embarrassed by this association and determined to rid themselves of Jewish connections such as the seventh-day Sabbath.

While a few Sunday-keeping denominations today will cite a few scriptures from the New Testament supposedly giving "evidence" that the Sabbath was not kept in the early Church and that Sunday was, most will acknowledge that it was the political pressures in history that caused the change. Of course, this compromise with God's law (the Fourth Commandment) was also seen when churches began incorporating the trappings and practices now associated with Christmas and Easter.

If you would like to learn more about mainstream Christianity's history of replacing biblical practices with traditional pagan styles of worship, we suggest you read Holidays or Holy Days—Does It Matter Which Days We Keep? and Sunset to Sunset—God's Sabbath Rest.


  • Norbert Z
    @ joshiah1980. From what I'v read, the Bible neither affirms or denies Adam's knowledge of a calendar week. When another person state's otherwise is making an assumption. The modern view held by numerous people today of the ancients is they were somehow too primitive to understand things at our level. However if a person looks at the precision of the Mayan calendar or the Antikythera mechanism that the Greeks had over 2000 years ago. Such things are circumstantial evidence that much older generations were capable of understanding the passage of time far above from being "primitive". How we came up with the day the Sabbath is on has been revealed to men who have the mental gifts for understanding the passage of time. From one generation to the next right up until our day.
  • Skip Miller
    Hello joshiah1980, Do you think that Jesus Christ knew which day the Sabbath was on? I do. From that time (relatively recent!) we have the Jews who assiduously kept track of days of the week. Did you know the calendar has been changed since the time of Christ? It has but though some of the numbered days of the month were taken out, Wednesday followed Tuesday & Saturday followed Friday. All of this is historically verifiable & significant. Now I am glad to hear what you believe (and I think you are sincere) but I choose to hold as more important what Jesus Christ says about the Sabbath in His Word, the Bible.
  • josiah1980
    I want to know how we even came up with what day the sabbath is on? I doubt Adam kept a calendar. Besides we must not get too legalistic. Paul said let no man judge you in meat and drink, or of keeping the holy days or the sabbath. I believe as long as you set one day aside for God a week he's happy, but I try to honor him everyday. I try to take time to read and study his work and pray everyday. I think we need to keep from looking for things to divide us and look for things to bring us together. Lova and God Bless.
  • Ivan Veller
    Hi arunsaintly, Re: Is Sunday the resurrection day of Jesus? “Jesus died on Wednesday afternoon…His body was hurriedly placed in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea shortly before sunset that same afternoon—the eve of an annual Sabbath (a holy rest day), the first day of Unleavened Bread (John 19:30-31, 42; Mark 15:42-46)…Jesus was resurrected by the Father near sunset on Saturday (the end of the weekly Sabbath), three days and three nights after being placed in the tomb, exactly as He had said”: http://www.ucg.org/booklet/fundamental-beliefs/three-days-and-three-nights/ See: http://www.ucg.org/doctrinal-beliefs/jesus-wasnt-crucified-friday-or-resurrected-sunday/ See also: http://www.ucg.org/tags/three-days-and-three-nights/ Re: Is Sunday to be celebrated as the day of worship to Christ (Acts 20:7)? “Acts 20:7…Breaking bread to eat a meal…Acts 27:35”: http://www.ucg.org/booklet/sunset-sunset-gods-sabbath-rest/was-sabbath-changed-new-testament/was-sunday-new-testament-d/ “‘Nowhere in the Bible do we find that Christ or the Apostles ordered that the Sabbath be changed from Saturday to Sunday’”: http://www.ucg.org/booklet/sunset-sunset-gods-sabbath-rest/was-sabbath-changed-new-testament/surprising-admissions-abou/ Re: “Jesus himself is Lord of the Sabbath” “Those who observe the biblical seventh-day Sabbath demonstrate their love for Jesus by obeying His commandments [Jn. 14:21]…God's intent for giving mankind time that is ‘holy’ is to have a relationship with us…Since Jesus Christ proclaimed that He is ‘Lord of the Sabbath’ [Mk. 2:28], we need to follow His instruction to observe the Sabbath”: http://www.ucg.org/doctrinal-beliefs/what-does-bible-say-about-sabbath-day/ In “[Mk.] 12:28-30… Christ restated the greatest commandment of the Old Testament [Dt. 6:4-5]. Those who observe the biblical Sabbath strive to obey that commandment, putting God first in their lives and keeping His command to observe the Sabbath. They will also follow Jesus' instruction: ‘He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me’ [Jn. 14:21]. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Master [Php. 2:9-11]. He also proclaimed that He is ‘Lord of the Sabbath’ [Mk. 2:28], so we should follow His example in observing the Sabbath—and all God's commandments—in the way He taught and lived [1 Jn. 2:6]”: http://www.ucg.org/booklet/sunset-sunset-gods-sabbath-rest/jesus-christ-and-sabbath/
  • Ivan Veller
    Re: Was the law replaced by grace? “Through God's grace, the gift of eternal life is given to those who demonstrate their faith in God by their obedience and repentance…We are not saved by our works…Yet…repentance is a condition for forgiveness (Acts 2:38). God simply will not forgive those who willfully persist in sin as a way of life… The direction of our lives must be changed as a prerequisite for receiving God's gift of salvation”: http://www.ucg.org/booklet/road-eternal-life/repentance-your-first-step/grace-works-and-obedience/ “Paul makes it clear throughout his writings that God's grace leading to salvation is ‘not of works, lest anyone should boast’ (verse 9). But Paul's overall perspective toward Christian works is…‘For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them’ (verse 10)… ‘Notice Paul's correlation of obedience and works related to salvation to God's work within us, which enables us to accomplish His purpose in us. ‘Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure’ (Philippians 2:12-13). ‘Certainly forgiveness and salvation are gifts from God. They cannot be earned…Yet Jesus…tells us that ‘unless you repent you will all likewise perish’ (Luke 13:3, 5). Through repentance we do not earn salvation, but repentance is a prerequisite for salvation. ‘Repentance is simply turning away from sin, forsaking lawless behavior (1 John 3:4). [Each of us can] receive the Holy Spirit and be converted [once] we are willing to repent and live as law-abiding people (Acts 2:38)”: http://www.ucg.org/booklet/ten-commandments/ten-commandments-new-testament/grace-faith-and-law/ “Grace is undeserved pardon of the sin of which one has repented. But there is no forgiveness if one chooses not to repent…for even the demons believe, but do not obey (James 2:19)”: http://www.ucg.org/christian-living/law-and-grace%E2%80%94-incredible-marriage/ “Grace leads us to utter appreciation for our holy and merciful God and to a deepening desire to be like Him. How? By doing what He says—obeying His law of love in its full spirit and intent”: http://www.ucg.org/bible-faq/what-does-bible-say-about-law-and-grace
  • Ivan Veller
    Hi arunsaintly, Re: Has the law changed with the coming of Christ, per “a change of the law” (Heb. 7:12, ESV 2011)? “Various passages, including entire chapters of the New Testament, make clear the spiritual purpose behind such practices as animal sacrifices and temple worship [Heb. 7:12, etc.]. But God's commandments remain. The last books written in the New Testament were, around A.D. 85-95…Were the Ten Commandments abolished by that time? Notice the words of John, ‘the disciple whom Jesus loved’ (John 21:7, 20): ‘Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments…’ (1 John 2:3-4)… ‘In Revelation 14:12, the saints are described as ‘those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.’ Faith and keeping God's commandments go hand in hand…[Rom. 3:31]…‘‘Blessed are those who do [“keep” (Coulter 2007); “doing” (LITV, YLT), “observing” (APB 1997),] His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life…’’ [Rev. 22:14 NKJV]”: http://www.ucg.org/booklet/sunset-sunset-gods-sabbath-rest/was-sabbath-changed-new-testament/was-gods-law-abolished-new/ “Hebrews 7:12…amending items in an established body of law does not abolish the entire body of law—it only modifies certain portions of it…With Jesus Christ replacing the Levitical high priest, the Church He built would now take precedence over a physical temple…The new emphasis would be on changing people's hearts and minds rather than on perpetuating an array of symbolic rituals and ceremonies [Heb. 8:10]…The sacrifices at the tabernacle and temple that foreshadowed Christ's role were the central focus of the Old Covenant's worship system… ‘It is vitally important to notice that the author…intentionally limits his discussion of changes in the law to its temporary and ceremonial aspects. He never suggests that any law of God that defines righteousness or sin has ceased. To the contrary, Paul writes in Romans 3:20...it is ‘through the law we become conscious of sin’ (NIV). Sin is defined by God's law [“sin is lawlessness,” 1 John 3:4]—as it always has been and always will be…Regulations mentioned in Hebrews as changed do not include laws that define sin…The book of Hebrews plainly admonishes…[a] living and active faith to obey God…[with] the conviction [and] courage to do His will”: http://www.ucg.org/booklet/new-covenant-does-it-abolish-gods-law/high-priest-essential-salvation/
  • Sabrina Peabody
    Hi arunsaintly, Keeping the Sabbath on Saturday is what is stated to do in the Bible. Sunday, or as you refer to as the Lord's Day, is wrong to keep as the Sabbath or "Lord's Day." Jesus paid the penalty of the law for us by dying which is truly the greatest gift ever! But the only reason why Sunday is kept is because men decided we should keep it. Keeping Sunday was never according to God's commands and nowhere in the Bible does it say to keep it. You can see more information on Acts 20:7 and the Lord's Day at the following link: http://www.ucg.org/booklet/sunset-sunset-gods-sabbath-rest/was-sabbath-changed-new-testament/was-sunday-new-testament-d/
  • arunsaintly
    Dear sir your answer seems to be correct ...but i didnt get your point clearly as should following sunday as LORD'S day is wrong?? or following saturday as LORD'S day as most seventh day adventist churches do is correct??.. I think as far as the bible says..jews used to follow sabbath day not on sunday's..but with the coming of christ..the law has changed..law was replaced by GRACE..where in JESUS himself is the LORD of sabbath.. and as per new testament ..the ressurrection day of JESUS is celebrated as the day of worship to HIM..which is sunday..and also according to Acts 20:7 the first day of the week seems to be SUNDAY
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