Will identification chips, implanted under the skin, be the prophesied mark of the Beast?

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Will identification chips, implanted under the skin, be the prophesied mark of the Beast?

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As a church, the reply we give you comes from a biblical point of view, as opposed to a scientific perspective. The question people bring up in regards to an implanted computer chip is whether this is the mark of the Beast. The answer is, no, not in itself. It's entirely possible that a device like this could be used in the future by the prophesied Beast, but merely because a computer chip is used for identification purposes does not make it the mark of the Beast.

According to Bible prophecy, the problem is how the end-time multinational government misuses its authority in order to control (not merely identify) its citizens. By contrast, the way computer chips are being used and being spoken of in the United States is merely to identify its citizens.

Fearing the mark of the Beast, some ask us if they should refuse any mandated implanting of a data chip (which, for example, the U.S. government could conceivably require in the name of security). The mark of the Beast doesn't appear to be something that God's people can accidentally, or unwittingly, receive (for example, a simple I.D. that later becomes the mark of the Beast). It will be a mark associating one with the Beast power that members of God's Church will knowingly avoid.

Please see "The Mark and Number of the Beast" from the booklet The Book of Revelation Unveiled for more information about the mark of the Beast. Faith in God becomes a real factor in this subject. We must place our confidence and trust in Him for our protection. You may find that a review of our booklet You Can Have Living Faith makes a helpful Bible study on the subject.


  • Yawni1219

    I think as scripture says about the mark you will have to have it to buy, sell or trade to even get food. As we are seeing now in some countries you now have to have the covid shot to get the covid passport to buy food, go anywhere, trade or sell. That fits the mark according to scripture so to have some in the Church say it’s not possible or no way it’s the mark is very irresponsible and disheartening! Scripture tells us to be awake, be aware do not get caught off guard or asleep. Satan or the beast state government is not going to openly tell you what your taking, as in the garden of Eden satan will deceive people about the mark with what seems like truth or fact! As in its fact it’s science although doing research proves otherwise. God be with us all now more than ever.

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