There Comes A Time To Flee
August 8th 2023: Maui's historic town of Lahaina was destroyed by a major wildfire. At least 114 people died and more than 1,000 are still missing. Reports say the damage could cost about $6 billion.
A Colleyville resident who lived in Maui with her roommate said she almost got caught in the flames. "I always wanted to go to Hawaii, it was always a dream," Megan Busey said. As of 10 months ago, Busey moved from Colleyville and was living her dream. "I went there to work for the Pacific Whale Foundation," she said. She was looking forward to whale watching season in a few months, but on August 8, all that changed.
"The neighbors were like, ‘Look at that black smoke,’ and we all looked at them and we were trying to scout out the fire," she recalled. The wildfires in Maui were slowly making their way to Busey’s house in Lahaina. "What was most concerning to me was feeling hot gusts of wind. I told my roommate we have to leave when I felt hot gusts of wind, that made me really nervous," she recalled. Busey told FOX 4 there were no official warnings to evacuate. She was just following her gut. "So I just grabbed a few essentials and clothes. I didn’t grab anything sentimental. I didn’t even think about it," she said. Busey and her roommate were able to get to safety at a friend’s house in another town about 12 miles away.
When the fires were put out, Busey walked back to her house. "I was shocked to see what happened to my house, it burned to the ground," she said. In situations like this, timing can make all the difference, and in this case, it did. Busey believes that if she had left her house any later, she could have been caught in the fire.
The Bible talks of a time in the future when we will see people fleeing from Jerusalem. Mat 24:15-17, "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand), Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains. Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house. Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.”
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