Godly Service
In our busy lives as we move among the men and women of the world in a fluid way, seeing, yet not seeing, hearing but not hearing. We have developed a fine tuned method of avoidance and reclusion. But whether we are serving in any capacity or being served at some point in our day, service takes place. The American economy has become more service oriented since the major manufacturing points have left our shores for other destinations in the world. We speak about service in our Christian lives with the chief example of Jesus Christ. What does it mean to serve? I mean, really serve. Many years ago I noticed someone wearing a T shirt saying “I Serve”. In our lives on a day to day basis, we are being served in ways we think not about because they are so many. Our country is filled with men and women who you probably will never meet who perform a service for you each and every day. I have known men and women who have spent their entire lives serving, whether in our country’s military or as a civil servant. Service is being performed around us in one manner or another, fast food establishments, restaurants, dry cleaning, and department stores just a few that comes to mind. What do we take from Christ example and words He spoke that would have lasting meaning in our lives? Jesus Christ made it abundantly clear that He came into this world to “serve”, NOT to be served as we read in Matthew 20:28. NKJV Matthew 20:28 Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. Have we given this aspect of our Christian lives the attention required? Have we earnestly prayed for the strength to serve and help those who labor among us to be better servants in God’s work? Where does service begin and end for you? God wants us to be fully equipped in all aspects of being a Christian, and service is a vital part of being that well rounded and transformed individual. Do we shy away from areas we are not comfortable doing for fear of failing to do it properly? Another Question? Can you give more of you time, can you pray more for the sick, and can you be more patient in your walk among God’s people as we follow the light to the Kingdom. Through these words we find joy and enlightenment in our walk and love of God’s way. NKJV Galatians 5:13 For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. God the Father and Jesus Christ want us to enjoy serving the brethren, to continue to show the love and care for one another, because our Father and His son delight in our service to the God Family and each other. So in our thoughts and actions toward service, we must be resolute, a line we have drawn in our lives to be servants of the Most High, by dedicating our lives to service.