United Church of God

A Note About Inflation

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A Note About Inflation

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By printing more dollars for the government's and central bankers' own purposes, the value of every dollar held by others is made less. In essence, the value of the dollars in your wallet is stolen by the government and Federal Reserve to use as they see fit. Of course, this means that dollars and other debt instruments held by foreign countries are also worth less—and if inflation is unabated, these nations will eventually tire of having so much stolen from them and will transfer their wealth somewhere more secure. (Of course, these other nations do the same with their own currencies.)


  • snakyjake

    Totally disagree "inflating the money supply is actually massive fraud and theft."

    My comments are in regard to the U.S...

    1) Who owns the the money? The government! You are fooling yourself if you think it is your money (hint: your name isn't on the currency). So it isn't steeling if it is yours.

    2) You can say the same thing about taxes.

    3) Inflation vs. deflation: pick your poison.

    This is a rough time for investing and saving. Everything has a huge risk. There is no safe place. Readers should really be informed that investing means gambling. Investors gamble they will profit. Risk vs. reward is no different than gambling at a casino. The stock market is another ponzi scheme, and people are betting their retirement and health on it. People are trying to beat/game the system.

    Even savers are at risk of not being paid back and inflation eroding their realized profit gains.

    People have way too much faith in "money", and don't really understand what it is, how it works, and who really owns it (hint: 1 John 5:19).

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