United Church of God

Bearing Fruit

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Bearing Fruit

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Apples, blueberries, figs, grapes, oranges, plums and pineapples are all delicious and nutritious fruits. Our Creator created these, as well as many other amazing fruits, together with lush plants. After creating them, He saw that they were good (Genesis 1:12). 

A balanced and nutritious diet includes a variety of fruits. We enjoy these fruits and should praise God for them. Now, imagine an orchard with fruit trees that continually fail to produce fruits, in spite of the agricultural efforts made by the gardener. This would surely make the gardener unhappy and dissatisfied.


Here in Zimbabwe, we face the unusual scarcity of cash, fuel and many other daily essentials. Frequently planning ahead, gathering information and waiting in queues (lines) just to get items are daily headaches for us. We are often required to set aside at least an hour or more just to withdraw cash or refuel. I remember having to walk from my workplace to the banks several times, join a queue, wait patiently and control myself whenever some would dodge the queue (jump the line) right in front of me.

To avoid the lines, some of my workmates advised bribery. While this would save time, God’s Word teaches us otherwise. A Christian should not use bribes to get ahead, or unfairly save time at the expense of fellow bank account holders or motorists. I appreciate the importance of planning ahead, waiting patiently, practicing self-control and having love for others. In all this, I pray for help from God to avoid improper conduct in spite of the hardships. This is just one personal example of how God can help us bear fruit.


How does God feel when we do not bear fruit? John 15:1-2 says, “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” Do you know the One who is like the vine? It is Jesus Christ, our Savior. Do you know who the gardener is? It is our Heavenly Father. We are all branches (followers) attached to the vine (Christ Himself). Jesus Christ does not mince words. Any branch which does not bear fruit is cut off.


What kind of fruit is being referred to here? Is it an apple or a plum? Neither, but the delicious taste and nutrients of those fruits could be likened to our faithful obedience and earnest desire to seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness. The fruit we are to bear is described by the apostle Paul in Galatians 5:22-23, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.”

While you may not yet be baptized or have received the gift of the Holy Spirit, you can still be an active member of the body of Christ (God’s Church).

The apostle Paul was inspired by our God to write about the fruit of the Holy Spirit for our edification. A teachable Christian can compare his or her behavior, as well as their manner of relating to God and others, to the fruit of the Holy Spirit. The perfect example of living this way is of course Jesus Christ!   


One suggestion about how to produce this fruit in your life is to ask yourself each morning if you are bearing the fruit of the Holy Spirit. By doing so, you will be thinking about these fruits as you go through your day, and will see opportunities to grow in each aspect.

John 15:4 clearly states that no branch can produce fruit alone. Each branch has to be joined to the vine. Remember that Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church of God. While you may not yet be baptized or have received the gift of the Holy Spirit, you can still be an active member of the body of Christ (God’s Church). Part of being joined to the vine is congregating with fellow believers and obediently observing all of God’s Holy Days.

Verses 5-6 lay out the basis of producing much fruit, and the consequences of being separated from the vine (Jesus Christ). Verse 7 instructs us to stay joined to Christ and to follow His teachings, including keeping the Holy Days. Verse 8 states, “By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.” Producing much fruit shows that we are faithful and obedient followers of Christ!

The next time you bite into an apple or a plum, or relish a juicy red grape or watermelon, think about the spiritual fruit you are bearing, as a branch attached to the vine!  CC

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