Compass Corner
Passing the Baton

Dear Compass Checkers,
Look at the image above! Beginning at the top left corner, you see our first issue of Compass Check in the spring of 2015 and all of the other issues since then. You are holding in your hands our 20th issue, which is also the five-year anniversary of Compass Check magazine.
Readers, it is our sincere hope that our articles over that time have proven to be valuable to you. What is found on the cover on the masthead states it so well—the purpose of this magazine is “helping you turn your spiritual compass toward God.”
I thank our wonderful God for His blessing on this magazine these five years. It is our custom as staff, and I remind the staff via an email each quarter when CC comes out, to ask God to bless you as you read the articles. It is our prayer that the articles over the years have inspired you and helped you to grow spiritually as a young adult.
It is now time for me as Editor to pass the baton to a new Editor. I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of our wonderful CC staff. Lead Designer and Content Editor Mitch Moss and I were the only two staff members when this magazine began five years ago. Mitch, thanks for all your hard work and for being a friend these past years.
God grew a staff as time went on. Managing Editor Kourtney sent me an email in response to my request asking for more help in my duties as Managing Editor. Literally, Kourtney was an answer to prayer. She did such a great job that we made her Managing Editor. Our thanks to Matthew Hernandez who is our talented graphics designer and illustrator. I will definitely miss working with Matthew.
I also wish to thank an old college friend of my mine, Robert Curry. Robert is our skilled Associate Editor and an important part of this magazine.
My sincere thanks to all the copy editors, the review team, the proofreaders, and particularly to all the wonderful writers, since without them we would have nothing to edit or proofread!
Finally, my personal thanks to the gentleman whose idea it was to begin Compass Check in the fall of 2014, Mr. Roy Holladay. Mr. Holladay wanted a magazine written expressly for teens, ages 12-18, and his vision has proven to be successful and carries on five years later. Thank you, Mr. Holladay, for the opportunity you gave me.
I now pass the baton to a friend of mine and a dedicated pastor, Mr. Dan Preston, who takes over as Editor of Compass Check magazine. Mr. Preston and his wife, Kim, and their two teen sons, are a part of camp each summer. I know Mr. Preston will do an excellent job.
I’ll close by quoting from the book of Numbers. This section is often called the “Aaronic Blessing.” Please read these verses slowly to drink in the rich meaning and encouragement given to us by our loving God.
“The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26, New International Version).
I pray this blessing for you as a reader of CC magazine. It has been a pleasure. See you at camp, at a Feast of Tabernacles site or whenever we meet again.
May we all continue to develop a personal relationship with our Lord God and to keep our spiritual compass turned toward Him.