United Church of God

Compass Corner: Your Summer is Calling

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Compass Corner

Your Summer is Calling

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Dear Compass Checkers,

This summer can be one of your best yet, but how? It’s simple—enjoy a week at your favorite summer camp!

As a camper you can:

  • Hang out with your friends and make new ones. Camp is actually an annual reunion of camp friends.
  • Learn new skills and enjoy activities such as rock climbing, water skiing, scaling the ropes course, trying out some new dance steps, shooting an arrow, creating something in crafts class, seeing the sun set over the Pacific Ocean as you sit around the beach camp fire—the list is endless.
  • Learn how to deepen your personal relationship with God. The Christian living theme at camp this summer is “Developing Your Relationship With God.”
  • Laugh and learn at the same time.
  • Be a part of a fun group of campers who have the same beliefs you do. You will be encouraged that you are not alone in your spiritual beliefs. Camp is a community of like-minded friends who are learning more about God together.
  • Learn about serving God and about serving your fellow human beings. Camp teaches that it is more blessed to give than to receive—God is the greatest giver of all.

But only you can make this happen, so do it now! Register before the May 1 deadline for UYC camp at uyc.ucg.org and click “Apply for camp online.” After applying be sure you follow up with the required paperwork. Then you will be notified via e-mail what to pack along with other helpful information.

Camp helps campers:

  • Practice teamwork—a necessary life skill. Teams gel quickly in the dorms.
  • Develop leadership skills. Power-packed activities and classes are designed to bring this out in you. Again, this is an important life skill.
  • Grow spiritually. The foundation of United Youth Camps is about learning more about God and His way of life. You will be challenged to grow while in this positive environment among like-minded friends and adults. For short, we call it the Zone.

Yes, your summer is calling. Be sure to make camp the core of your summer. Apply now, and be prepared to be rewarded. See you at camp!

Your camp friend,

Steve Nutzman