United Church of God

Final Preparations and Reminders

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A United Church of God Feast of Tabernacles site

Final Preparations and Reminders


Greetings to you all,

I hope that your plans are coming together and final preparations are underway for your trip to Bend-Redmond for the Feast of Tabernacles this year. I know some of you are already in Bend-Redmond, I will be coming in this evening, and looking forward to getting the Feast off and running this year. 

I know that some of you that are receiving this are newly registered, and so some of the information that was sent out earlier may not have reached you - but you'll find some important information on the posts that have been sent out already that I will endeavor to review here for your benefit and so that we are able to as much as possible take care of these things prior to the Feast.


As we mentioned before, unfortunately, the Feast of Tabernacles this year is occurring with the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic going on in the background, which requires making certain some things are clear: 

Bend-Redmond, and honestly, the State of Oregon right now is in the midst of the highest incidence of cases related to COVID-19 than we have seen since March of 2020. It appears that we are on the decline from the peak, which occurred in the past two weeks - but our hospitals are currently struggling to meet the need, and St. Charles Medical in Bend and Redmond (both smaller rural hospitals) are seriously feeling the strain. As such - for those of you that are coming from other states with perhaps less cases, or states in which you haven't had to mask as a result of COVID, understanding the political and social climate here in Oregon right now may be a challenge and cause some feelings of frustration. 

The Bend-Redmond area is exhausted. As they have dealt with tourists coming through the area this summer from other places - the statement I keep hearing from people is that they are tired of arguing with people about masks, and the mandates which are in place in the State of Oregon.

If I can make one humble request of you this Feast, since we are carrying the name of our Heavenly Father into the community at large in Bend-Redmond, please do your best to be ambassadors of Him and not add to the fatigue of the community. I recognize there are a lot of strong feelings about many of these things, and that for some of you - this may be a major paradigm shift, but these requirements are not something that is up for negotiation in Oregon.

We currently have 2 mandates in place relating to COVID-19, both relating to masks.

1) Indoors - a mask, face covering, or face shield (which conform to the requirements found in this document, in section 3c, 3d, and 3g) is required for all ages 5 and up, if you are inside any building open to the public except your own private residence. That mask, face covering or face shield needs to be worn appropriately at all times (covering both your nose and mouth) and cannot be removed except for certain instances outlined in the document. This applies to all whether they have had COVID prior and whether they are vaccinated or unvaccinated.

2) Outdoors - a mask is required if you are within 6 feet of someone who is not in your immediate household for all who are aged 5 and up. If you are outside of 6 feet - you can be without a mask while you interact. Frequently, people misjudge what 6 feet looks like, please do your best to estimate accurately, and again, this applies to all whether they have had COVID prior, or whether they are vaccinated or unvaccinated.

The expectation is that we will abide by these requirements during the time that we are onsite at the Deschutes County Fairgrounds, and while we are in the community-at-large. Our Usher's do not need to spend their Feast requesting you conform with these requirements, that is not fair to them. The expectation is that all attendees will be respectful of the state mandates.  

Quarantine and Consideration of Others: Because of the ability of people to be contagious while experiencing minor symptoms, or in certain cases, no symptoms - it can be a challenge to quarantine 100%. Please do not attend services if you are experiencing symptoms of any kind. (Cough, fever, runny nose, congestion, fatigue, headache, body aches) but also pay close attention to minor symptoms that might be indicators of impending infection - as you are often contagious even during these times.

It is better to be safe than sorry, and if there is any question, or if you just feel, "off", please wait a day or two to see if additional symptoms develop, join us on the webcast, and see how things are looking in a couple of days. 

If in doubt - please get tested to be certain so that we don't run the risk of exposing our brethren to something which we may personally get over quickly with no lasting issues, but where one of our brethren may not fare as well, or perhaps even die as a result.

If you do happen to test positive while you are at the Feast, it is critical that you notify us. Please call the Festival Office number at 503-949-2504, so we can begin to keep track of the progression of the infection and monitor others.

People can experience COVID-19 infection in very different ways. All five of my family members had it within the last month. All of us had different timelines, symptoms, and lingering effects. One of my children experienced a week of definitive cold/flu symptoms, and tested negative 3 times during that time period - to finally test positive 7 days after first experiencing symptoms. He was quite likely contagious for much of that period despite the negative tests. 

In short - if you are symptomatic - please do not attend and connect with us online if there is any question as to your wellness. Your care, consideration and love for your brethren is greatly appreciated. 

Rejoice!: Those of us living in the State of Oregon have been doing this for 20 months now. Except for a period of about a month in July of this year, we have been masked since March of 2020. I can assure you, a person can rejoice, praise God, and do everything that God expects and requires of us at the Feast of Tabernacles in spite of these mandates.

We are gearing up to have an amazing Feast! We are going to rejoice and praise our God and have a spiritually enriching and fulfilling Feast of Tabernacles! Provided we can maintain our attitudes in the right place, and we remain focused on the things which are eternal, which God has promised and not the things which are physical and temporary, and provided we continually consider the needs of others over our own needs, we will have a spectacular Feast!  

I cannot wait to see you, cannot wait to rejoice and celebrate the coming Millennium with you all, and to consider what God is doing in his great plan for mankind. 

We'll see you all soon! Safe travels!

Much Love,

Festival Coordinator - Bend-Redmond, OR