United Church of God

Choir Special Music

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A United Church of God Feast of Tabernacles site

Choir Special Music


Adult Choir Director

The 2021 Jamaica Festival Choir Director is Tony Rowe and his email address is: rowebe@msn.com. He has already reached out to Registered choir members with the selections he has chosen for this year’s Feast.  Please email him if you have any questions or suggestions or if you have not heard from him. 

Children's Choir Director 

The 2021 Jamaica Festival Children’s Choir Director is Sonia Phillipson-Davis.  Her email address is: sonjah1981@gmail.com.  She will be assisted by Tammy Taylor.  The music for the Children’s Choir can be downloaded from: https://www.ucg.org/members/feast/childrens-choir-music   If you have members of your household who wish to be in the Children’s Choir, please download the music and begin practicing now.  Email Sonia if you have any questions.   

Special Music Coordinator 

Our Special Music Coordinator this year is going to be Carmella Weis.  If you wish to provide Special Music during the Feast, please contact her at carmellaw@comcast.net.  She looks forward to hearing from you about your Solo, Group, Offertory or Instrumental piece.  Also, contact Carmella if you can accompany the Hymn Service in the ensemble.