2015 Feast of Tabernacles Report
Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, United States

Blue-turquoise waters and swaying palm trees greeted more than 300 brethren keeping God’s Feast on the tropical island of Maui in Hawaii. The first Holy Day service set the stage to give us a vision of the millennial reign of Christ with a morning message by Joe Horchak titled “On the Threshold of Eternity.” The theme continued in the afternoon message by Bill Bradford titled “1,000 Years.” Our enthusiasm continued to build as God supplied a great spiritual feast of messages each day through to the Eighth Day.
There were also many other learning activities, including Bible studies for the teens and young adults. Also featured was a Bible study by Mr. Bradford titled “The Promised Plan of God: The Unifying Message of His Word.”
We also had the privilege of meeting in the exquisite Maui Theatre, with much improved lighting. Brethren enjoyed the outstanding special music of the Feast choir, and many other delightful vocal and instrumental performances.
There were activities for all ages. Seniors enjoyed a special luncheon in their honor at Longhi’s Restaurant, overlooking the Pacific waters on Front Street. Young adults and singles gathered after the first Holy Day at the condo of Bill and Joanna Bradford for a dinner reception. Teens and preteens went to the Maui Ocean Center Aquarium, featuring sea life unique to Hawaii. After viewing the aquarium, they met at the Reef Café for ice cream.
This year a highlight of the Feast was the family day picnic at the Ali’i Kahekili Beach. A large pavilion was a gathering spot for fellowship and food. Snorkeling, swimming and games enhanced the enjoyment of all.
On Saturday evening many brethren enjoyed a Hawaiian dance at the Waiola Center, with food and refreshments. Brethren were able to dance the night away on an outdoor patio and enjoy the cool ocean breezes of the evening.
God blessed us with peace and encouraged us by reminding us of what He has prepared for us in the future. We are very thankful for God’s mercy and blessings that we can rejoice and be together another year in Hawaii!
See more photos from Hawaii at https://flic.kr/s/aHskny7RB3 .