2019 Feast of Tabernacles
Mirebalais, Haiti
With services each morning, the brethren got to hear Deacon Joseph Jean preach about a new world coming to this earth: a new world that will usher in peace and prosperity not only to Haiti but to the entire world. The brethren were helped to visualize that coming world with vivid sermons and music written and sung just for the Feast. With the theme from Psalm 45:6, our family in Haiti now knows there is a future world where “God will rule with a scepter of righteousness forever and ever!”
The Feast started with less than 100 people on the first day but swelled to over 200 by the last day. More and more people came to see what this Feast was all about. A large lunch was planned daily so all could “feast” together in the newly built church hall.
The youth greatly enjoyed the gifts of toys and sweets sent to them by brethren in Canada and the United States. Some youngsters enjoyed their first new toy ever.
“It was a time of great joy and happiness,” commented Joseph Jean. Living in a world like Haiti, it was a great blessing to enjoy eight days of God’s Word and blessings, with a greater hope of a lasting peace in the country of Haiti upon Christ’s Second Coming. Everyone is looking forward to next year’s Feast of Tabernacles—which cannot come fast enough for our wonderful family in Haiti. We did not receive photos, but we did receive several videos of the brethren rejoicing. You can view them on ucghaiti.blogspot.com.