2019 Feast of Tabernacles
Penang, Malaysia
The resort is located on the beachfront and is surrounded by a luscious tropical garden where many spent their time fellowshipping. This picturesque location provided an ideal site for the Asian brethren and for visiting Feastgoers alike who were able to share in the beauty and character of the island.
All 92 brethren were accommodated at the hotel and each day services were held in a lavish ballroom on site. Each morning a breakfast buffet was served, which included western and Asian cuisine for all to enjoy. It was the perfect place to meet new friends. The main dining area looked out on a large pool, where many chose to spend their free time cooling off and relaxing with one another after services.
The first Holy Day encouraged a beautiful harmonious spirit among the members in Malaysia. This was upheld throughout the Feast as everybody was inspired by the messages given during services. It became clear that a theme was emerging which highlighted the importance of an active relationship with God—a relationship only achieved by drawing close to God and keeping our love and affection for him alive. This message developed an understanding that this is how God expects us to view our relationship with each other and that we are not just a community of people, but instead a family in Christ.
In conclusion of the joyous Holy Day, we shared a colorful welcome dinner which took place among the palms and greenery of the garden. The spirit was not at all dampened by an unannounced arrival of thunderstorms and torrential rain, which instead drew us closer together and became a night we can all look back on fondly!
We were extremely blessed with the array of special music which took place each day. It played a large role in emphasizing our love of worshipping God and established an appreciation of the different talents He has blessed each of us with.
This year there was a keen focus on the youth with a youth day service which allowed young adults to lead songs and give opening and closing prayers. Two prepared split-sermons, which were delivered directly for the benefit of the younger members gathered at the site. On the weekly Sabbath, there was a Bible study for the children and a separate one that was directed at the teens and young adults. This approach was effective as it encouraged all members to study and be involved.
Other activities included an excursion to a butterfly farm, another exquisite dinner held in George Town, a young adult’s trip and many other activities organized by brethren with one goal in mind: to grow closer and solidify our relationships.
After sharing a farewell lunch and reminiscing on our eight days spent rejoicing in the glory of God, it became truly apparent that God’s Work had been in action at the Feast of Tabernacles locations around the world. This is a work that prepares us spiritually for the return of Jesus Christ, for His Kingdom to be established and for us to become part of the family of God.