America: The Time Is Now!
Beyond Today Live Series Concludes

As in the past, they carried the title America: The Time Is Now! The 80-minute presentations were delivered by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers and Gary Petty.
Campaigns were held in Los Angeles, San Diego, Ontario and Garden Grove. A total of 290 people attended, of which 52 were new guests. The following Sabbaths we were pleased to have some of them return for services.
We have now held 22 events (including the first Why Were You Born? campaign in Cincinnati). The total attendance for all 22 has been 2,011 people with 705 guests. These guests are readers and viewers who most likely would not have visited with us otherwise, and some are now attending with us on a regular basis and a few have been baptized.
There were 52,054 invitation letters sent out three times to our Beyond Today readers in these 22 cities. We count the program as a success. Thousands of readers were reached with the gospel message and invited to see us. In addition, the local congregations were found to be very excited about the program, and it gave them a closer connection to the home office and the media team.
This 22nd event concludes our current personal appearance series as we continue to evaluate the most effective methods to reach our nation and the world with the gospel of the Kingdom of God.