Beyond Today Updates
Beyond Today Web Site Visitors and Program Response Reported
Overall, the first two months of activity at the Beyond Today Web site,, went very well. We had 4,844 visitors to the site in December of 2005, and then a very healthy increase to 13,115 for January of 2006. During January, 132 gigabytes of material was streamed to our visitors. This amount of bandwidth usage is much higher than at either (35.3 gigabytes) or (65.8 gigabytes). This is, of course, due to the larger streaming video files found primarily at our Beyond Today Web site.
Beyond Today is scheduled to air on 124 channels at present. However, many of these channels are still working through the transition from airing our previous Tomorrow program and Good News TV program.
One early survey to our sponsors showed that only about half of the stations are actually up and running with our new program. We expect that the transition should be complete by the end of February. For example, two of our biggest markets, Chicago and San Diego, are not yet airing Beyond Today but will very soon.
This has affected our responses somewhat. During our program start-up during the last week of December 2005 we received 63 responses to Beyond Today, and then for January 2006 we received 262. We anticipate that February will continue to show a steady increase once again as more stations come on board with the new program.
So far, overall response to United's new video effort has been very positive. Some helpful suggestions have been received from some of our members, and so we plan to incorporate new ideas and continue to improve the technical quality and, most of all, the content, of Beyond Today.