CANCELED: United Youth Camps 2021
Preteen Camp Texoma
July 23, 2021 - 12:00am EDT to July 26, 2021 - 12:00am EDT

Camp Texoma has been canceled for 2021.
Camp Texoma welcomes preteen campers ages 5-12 to the Texas/Oklahoma border as Texoma Youth Camp will serve as host to the South Central Region UCG preteen camp. Prepare to experience a tremendous four-day camp experience where you will learn about our awesome God, make new friends, and have fun in a caring and positive environment. Camp Texoma is located on a beautiful lake several miles northwest of Denison, Texas. Camp will run Friday, July 23-Monday, July 26, 2021.
Each day at Camp Texoma will include a variety of outdoor and indoor activities beginning with Christian living classes to reinforce that God’s way of life works. Other activities include swimming in the lake and various sports including basketball, kickball, tetherball and ping pong. Crafts, team building and lots of water activities will also be held.
We are looking for dedicated and patient teens and adults to serve in all areas of camp, including counselors, activity coordinators and staff.
The deadline for everyone who is interested (from young to not-so-young) to apply online is June 1, 2021.
Updates will be posted at Applications will be available online this spring.
Camp Texoma offers an exciting new camp experience with warm Texas hospitality. We hope you’ll join us!
Dates: July 23-26
Camper Age Range: 5-12
Application Deadline: June 1
Camper Fee: $150, add’l campers in same family $130
Teen Staff (ages 13-18) Fee: $80
Adult Staff Fee: None
Coordinators: Jim & Laurel Moody
(903) 681-1437