First Annual Cincinnati Young Adult Weekend

The main concept of the weekend, just like the theme says, was to inspire young adults to serve. The entire weekend was planned and implemented by a group of young adults: Cody Martin, Stella Helterbrand, Alyssa Archer and David Browning. Many others helped by volunteering for specific activities, seminars, heads of service groups for the service projects, and many other roles. There were about 80 attendees at the weekend. Not only did most of the young adults in the Cincinnati area and other parts of Ohio attend, but also many from various other states such as Massachusetts, North Carolina, Michigan, Florida, Tennessee, Illinois and Pennsylvania.
The weekend started off with a panel of young adults who served at various projects around the world. The majority of the projects presented were part of the United Youth Corps projects. The open panel gave other young adults an opportunity to hear about the projects and then ask questions and have a quick discussion about each project. After the panel everyone enjoyed desserts, donated by young adults, and a bonfire. Everyone spent quality time talking and getting to know old friends better and meeting new friends.
On Saturday morning there were four seminars. These seminars were presented by Steve Myers and young adults from the Cincinnati area: Josh and Lizzy Creech, Cody Martin, Zach Williams, and Rudy and Judy Rangel.
After seminars, Sabbath services in Cincinnati and dinner at the home office, young adults took part in games put together by David and Prisca Kovalchick. These games were not your ordinary relay games or board games. These games focused on allowing each individual to have a chance to meet and get to know everyone a little better. No one had a chance to be exclusive. Everyone had a chance to move around the room and talk to almost everyone who attended.
On Sunday morning everyone was split into small groups to take part in service projects. These projects directly helped serve the brethren in the Cincinnati area who needed extra help with yard work or deleavening. After the service projects, the weekend ended with a lunch and two more short seminars presented by Jonathan Magee and Dan Preston. The weekend went well and exceeded expectations.