Highlights of Nigeria Camp Made by Meeting Challenges
Oludare Akinbo directed the camp, and Mark Mickelson attended with his family and Youth Corps participants Cody and Bobbi Kitts and Emily Sandilands.
The highlights of camp turned out to be times when everyone was definitely challenged. One day the road to Abeokuta was closed by flooding, and rock climbing had to be canceled. It was a great disappointment for the Red Team, but their positive spirit prevailed. They went on to win the rope-bridge building competition in difficult conditions later that same day.
As the activity started, it began to rain again and threatened to dampen everyone's enthusiasm. The team counselors and staff stepped forward, though, and began to sing and call out to the campers, who responded immediately. They kept up the exchange throughout the entire activity and finished in a very positive way. The Red Team was able to go to rock climbing on another day.
Another example of commitment and enthusiasm was 12-year-old Sarah Vidal from Abuja. The minimum age for camp was 13, so Sarah was not chosen. Still, when the teens were ready to go, Sarah went to the bus and waited with them. She had packed her bags even though she was not accepted. When the time of departure came, two campers were late. One arrived in time but then the bus had to be on its way. Sarah was offered the last seat. At the end of camp she received the Best Camper Award for her team.
Camp finished with camaraderie and excitement but with some sadness as well. We were leaving with wonderful memories, but we were still going our separate ways.
We headed back to Lagos with Mr. Akinbo at the wheel. The roads were full. As we approached some buses (vans) and were slowing to get around, Mr. Akinbo said, "Oh, no!" The brakes had failed. We were not going very fast, but it was enough to hit one bus and push it into another. The impact knocked the side door off and dented the bumper and back. The damage to our own vehicle was surprisingly small. Most importantly, no one was injured. It could have been much worse. We thanked God for His merciful protection and care. The crowd that gathered was stilled by a local shopkeeper who made sure nothing got out of hand. We paid for the damage to the vehicles and then repaired our own. The shopkeeper stayed until we were on our way.
We returned home very thankful and with great memories.