Home Office Weekly Update
November 7, 2024

Keep the Fire Burning
Greetings brethren around the world,
By this time, everyone has likely returned home from the Feast of Tabernacles. From all reports we’ve heard, the Feast was an inspiring and uplifting time for all. While things may not have gone perfectly in every instance and perhaps some of the physical aspects didn’t meet expectations—that’s simply part of life in this imperfect world.
Despite any distractions, just the opportunity of being together with God’s people—focusing on what the Feast pictures for us and all mankind, and being in God’s and each other’s presence every day—is not only a blessing, but exactly what we need each year to ignite our passion for Christ’s return and the coming of God’s Kingdom to this earth.
Now our challenge is to keep that fire burning. Do that by:
- Committing to heartfelt prayer with God each day.
- Studying the Bible daily.
- Attending services each Sabbath when you are physically able.
- Staying in contact with one another and praying for each other when you have opportunity (or make the opportunity) during the week.
- And praying for God’s will to be done in your life and in His Church.
We ask God daily to keep His fire burning in us, and for all of us to be continually mindful of our responsibilities to keep our lamps burning, so we can be the “lights” He has called us to be (Matthew 5:15-16).
The U.S. presidential election and our work
Here in the United States, the long, hotly contested presidential campaign finally and mercifully came to a close a few days ago. You’ve likely heard of the results of the election, and we are thankful to God for the clarity He has provided.
In Romans 13:1, we are reminded, “there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.” It is God who we worship, trust and follow. He “removes kings and raises up kings” (Daniel 2:21) and we live and carry out His work in the physical environment He provides.
As we look at the physical “landscape” shaped by the direction God has given, we see that now it is time to be earnestly about His “business.” There is a window of time, however long He determines, for us to preach the gospel boldly, directly and authoritatively in all nations to “every creature” (Mark 16:15), which means to all creation. As God continues to open our eyes, there is still a big work to do to fulfill this aspect of His commission to His Church.
It is a daunting commission when we consider how much has to be done, but we know Jesus Christ is the Head of this Church, and only with His guidance and direction by His Spirit will it be accomplished. We are fully committed here to do that work, but we need and ask for your prayers that God lead us and provide the resources needed to accomplish what needs to be done. Many of you have knowledge and expertise in areas that can be of great help as we do God’s work. God will provide those opportunities for all of us to work together, offering the talents and skills that will contribute to this effort (Ephesians 4:16).
Care for one another
Preaching the gospel is just one aspect of God’s commission, though. We must also care for one another, exhorting each other to love and follow Him more closely and judiciously, while actively allowing God to build in us the agape love that can only grow in the way He desires through the action and power of His Holy Spirit.
We must be about “making disciples” in all nations and in our communities, and caring for those He calls. God is calling people around the world, even in places we might not often think of, as we have so inspiringly seen in the last year. Thank God for His people and the opportunity we have to work with each other, encourage one another, pray for each other and truly get to know one another.
Pastors and elders, care well for the people God has placed under your care and watchful, loving eye. Feed them well, take care of them and love them as God does.
And brethren, care for one another and watch out and pray for one another. Always pray for God’s will to be done in our personal lives, and in the collective temple He is building in each of us, everywhere around the world. We all have a part in this work. Get involved, and let’s become even more committed, keeping the fire He has ignited burning brightly—which it will as we come more and more out of the world, and more committed to Him in every aspect of our lives.
May God be with and bless you all.
In Christ’s service,
Rick Shabi
Feast of Tabernacles Report
For the first time since before the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person Feast attendance for the United Church of God reached its highest level. On-site attendance for 2024 was 13,164—a 3.3% increase over 2023. In addition, attendance from our partner organization in Angola was another 1,655 people.
Across the globe, 66 official Feast sites gathered together, along with 12 satellite sites. Many sites also offered webcasting services and phone call-in options, though the numbers for these are not included.
Our Feast coordinators have submitted summary reports, and many members have filled out surveys after the Feast. While not all reports have been reviewed and processed yet, initial feedback indicates the Feast was both rewarding and spiritually beneficial.
Branson Feast coordinator, Joe Dobson, commented: “The speakers delivered encouraging messages that helped us envision the millennial rule of Christ on Earth. On the first Holy Day, Tony Wasilkoff’s afternoon sermon encouraged us to express the love of God, as highlighted in Rick Shabi’s sermon on agape love.”
Feast Surveys 2024
For those who have yet to fill out a Feast survey, now is the time to share your thoughts. The survey will remain open through November 15.
To complete the General Survey please use the following online link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GS24FOT.
To complete the Housing Survey please use the following online link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HS24FOT.
Ambassador Bible College Magnetic Yearly Calendar
The ABC Calendar is back! This calendar/planner features God’s Holy Days and Feasts for the year 2025. The calendar is an 11” by 8.5” glossy magnetic calendar that features a blank section on the lower portion for additional information such as reminders and lists. This calendar can be written on with any dry erase marker for your convenience.
This year’s ABC class has already pre-ordered and printed calendars, so they are ready to be distributed for $8 each.
There are multiple ways you can purchase a calendar.
This link is a form that each congregation can print out and have available for members to place their orders. We’d like orders to be forwarded to us by Dec. 4, to allow time for packaging and shipping before the new year. Once the order form is filled out, please mail the form and payment (payable to “ABC Student Fund”) if already collected to:
Ambassador Bible College
555 Techne Center Dr.
Milford, OH 45150
If all payments cannot be collected for the orders by the due date, late payments will be accepted on the behalf of whomever is coordinating the order.
The ABC class will ship to the pastor/congregation contact person for member pickup at services.
Individual calendars can be ordered and shipped to a home address. Due to extra processing costs, an additional $2 fee will be incurred, increasing the price to $10. If you have questions about your order, or to order individual calendars, email ABCfundraiser@ucg.org.
Remaining calendars will also be sold at an ABC fundraising table during the Cincinnati Winter Family Weekend along with other items.
Thank you so much for your support of the ABC class of 2025.
—Matthew Kusz, ABC Student Body President
Houston Family Weekend: Dec. 13–15
A Facebook page for registration and further information is now available at "UCG Houston Family Weekend 2024."
A full schedule of events for activities and seminars from Friday through Sunday will help with your planning for this exciting weekend.
Save the Date: 2025 Northwest Regional Teen Prom
The Northwest region will be holding its first annual NW Regional Teen Prom over Memorial Day weekend this coming year, May 23–26, 2025.
More information will be forthcoming, but for now, please save the date and plan to join us in Salem, Oregon for a regional teen prom this coming Memorial Day weekend!
– Ben Light
REMINDER: Winter Family Weekend Registration
The Cincinnati, Ohio Winter Family Weekend is coming soon! Opening night is Tuesday, Dec. 24, with events running through Saturday evening, Dec. 28.
It’s IMPERATIVE to check wfw.ucg.org frequently for updates and important instructions. This year, registration will occur in three phases, with Phase One already having taken place last Sunday, Nov. 3.
Please visit the website for specific registration details and to find out in which phase you should register. You’ll also find information about the hotel and eligible booking dates there.