International News at a Glance
British Isles Gives Circulation Report
Highlights from the report for January, which covers all literature distributed by UCG from Britain, include:
•876 letters and other responses.
•180 Good News requests.
•171 Bible Study Course requests.
•367 requests for 746 further items of literature.
As of Jan. 31 there were:
•4,052 subscribers to The Good News , of which 3,141 are in the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man.
•503 students of the Bible Study Course.
•317 subscribers to United News.
•600 subscribers to World News and Prophecy.
•244 subscribers to Vertical Thought.
Bible Study Course: A total of 1,111 students have been sent all 12 lessons; 215 have returned all 12 test cards.
The Good News: During the last few months, the Good News subscription list has been growing faster than UCG–British Isles can sustain the cost. This has come at a time when we also have more people asking to attend Church. The number of Sabbath meetings has increased from six to 12 over the last couple of years, with all the attendant costs and manpower implications. It is very important for us to use our resources to support people who are showing an interest in serving God.
New readers are now given just three issues instead of six, and only one renewal offer instead of three. This means that those that are really interested are likely to be retained, and those who don't renew make room for new subscribers.
Just short of 5,700 subscribers were added to the GN list in 2005. This is more than double the 2,200 new readers in 2004, and is nearly four times the new additions in 2003. The majority of these have come from Internet advertising.
Last year UCG–British Isles posted 4,400 renewal letters and received renewals from 35 percent. This group includes new readers (about a quarter wish to continue) and those who have already renewed before (60 to 70 percent ask to continue). Many of the requests to receive the Bible Study Course come from the renewal letter. Just short of 1,300 started the course during 2005!
Source: UCG–British Isles National Announcements.