United Church of God

International News at a Glance: Canada Digs Into Its Database

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International News at a Glance

Canada Digs Into Its Database

In December the Canadian office staff began sending letters to those on the database who are not currently receiving The Good News magazine. There were 5,223 people in that category. At the end of January, 283 had responded.

They are being sent a letter along with one of the four brochures offering different booklets and a subscription to The Good News. Your prayers for the success of this effort are appreciated. It is one way of contacting those who have been sent literature in the past, and it is basically a free way to develop our subscriber list.

We also sent letters in January to those who have not renewed the Bible Study Course, and also plan to write to those who did not respond to the two GN renewal letters sent in mid and late 2004.