International News at a Glance
Canada Reports Income and Subscription Growth
In Canada, income for the first three months of the fiscal year is ahead of budget, while Holy Day offerings are close to what was budgeted.
The Canadian office has added well over 2,000 new subscribers to The Good News magazine since January. Over 400 subscribers were added as a result of letters sent to those in our database who had received literature in the past but were not subscribing to the GN. Another program added nearly 170 subscribers. These were people who had not responded to the two subscription renewal letters that were sent nearly two years ago. They responded to a recent letter that was sent to all those who let their GN subscription lapse. Another large number of new subscribers came as a result of the Internet and various keyword campaigns.
In early July the Canadian office hit a new milestone in Internet and e-mail literature and subscription requests. We received more requests so far this year than we did in all of 2004. We're now closing in on the record of 5,116 requests that we received last year.
All the incoming mail is resulting in a lot of outgoing mail. In the first six months of 2006, we averaged 15,724 items per month being mailed out. Those items include magazines, periodicals, booklets, letters, CDs and DVDs. (From January 1999 to the end of June 2006, we sent out 833,250 items).