"Considering Counseling for Baptism?"
[In the article "Considering Counseling for Baptism? What Are You Waiting For?" in the December 2005 issue, it asked] "Do you believe with every fiber of your being..."? When I was baptized, and when I baptized others, I was not asked, and I did not ask others, if they believed with "every fiber of their being." That statement is almost contrived—almost worked up.
Now after 34 years in God's Church, I can calmly and deliberately say to almost anyone, "I believe Jesus Christ is God and my Savior with every fiber of my being." But when I was counseling for baptism, I wanted to believe and asked, after it was shown to me, "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24)...
The article wasn't bad or wrong, but was it real?
Thanks for your letter. Yes, you make a good point in showing that conversion is a process, and that one statement may seem like asking the impossible. But we hope that the main message of the article came across—encouraging prospective members not to wait and think they have to be perfect. As you pointed out, we need baptism and the help of the Holy Spirit in order to grow.
From Disillusioned to Delighted
I was a member of the Worldwide Church of God for quite a long time—observing the festivals of God as He ordained. The Feast of Tabernacles—which was observed in Jesus' time and mentioned in Zechariah that it will be observed after the second coming of Christ—should obviously be observed in the intervening time also. I would like to know of your plans for it.
I continue to be a Sabbath-keeper. The disillusionment came after serving with the project in Sri Lanka in the year 1989, when disturbing changes took place, and thereafter I took to an intensive study of the Word of God by His own calling. On this Sabbath eve, Jan. 20, I chanced upon your Web site and am delighted to find the remnant church active...
I would appreciate information about your congregations and Feast of Tabernacles sites. Thank you.
"Welcome Home"
Thank you so much for a thoughtful, thorough and—most importantly—a caring response to my question.
I'm also pleased to report that I will be attending Sabbath services regularly... Not having a car right now, I had to use public transportation to get there, so I arrived after services, during the fellowship period. However, as I had expected, the brethren immediately demonstrated the love of Christ. More than once, someone said to me, "Welcome home!" They even took me out to dinner, and someone arranged transportation for me to next week's services.
I am truly thankful to our heavenly Father for being merciful to me as I struggled all these years with doctrinal changes and not wanting to be "tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine." He gave me time to "prove all things" again. It was through the sound doctrine found in the UCG media that the gray areas were cleared up for me. This is where the work of God is, and I can support it with my tithes and offerings, confident that I'm being a good steward of what God has entrusted to me (I just finished listening to Mr. Kilough's sermon, "Entrusted With the Gospel").
Again, thank you, and I love you all with the love of Christ!
Request to Reprint: "Should Be Shared With Everyone!"
I have been a recipient of The Good News for several years and have kept every issue ever received. Though I am a member of the First Baptist Church, Tipton, Oklahoma, and have taught Sunday school for 57 years, I often use your materials as resources in preparation for my Bible classes. Too, I am a speaker/presenter for inspirational writers' workshops and refer to materials in your publications when conducting sessions.
I also write and edit our church newsletter and am currently publishing an online magazine, Victory Herald (www.victoryherald.com). The article, "How Can We Pass Our Faith on to Our Children," by Jim Servidio, in the January/February 2006 issue of The Good News is an article I'd like to share with my readers. I'm requesting permission to use verbatim the sidebar, "Teach Your Children How to Pray." That idea is one that should be shared with everyone!
Thank you for your materials.
The request was granted.