Local Church Updates
Austin Holds Annual Youth Day Sabbath
On Feb. 17, 2007, the Austin, Minnesota, congregation held its yearly Youth Day at Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch, just outside of Rochester. It was a Mexican fiesta with 140 in attendance. Joining us were members of our three sister churches (Mankato, Minnesota; Cedar Rapids, Iowa; and La Crosse, Wisconsin), along with brethren from Eau Claire and Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, and St. Paul, Minnesota.
Since it was Youth Day, the teens did their part. Songs were led by Isaac Nelson and Justin Boyer, while prayers were given by Luke Nelson and Jacob Yule.
Special music consisted of a vocal duet by Prisca Myers and Katlyn Whynaucht, a piano solo by Daniel Jacobsen and a vocal duet by Paul and James Myers.
Accompanying the song service were Amanda Boyer on flute and Katlyn Whynaucht on violin. Alex Riess gave a sermonette showing that "Hard Work Does Pay Off," after which Daniel Jacobsen admonished us to "Stick to What We Have Been Taught." A PowerPoint sermon on "Signs of a Christian" was given by Steve Myers.
It was an evening of fantastic food, fellowship and fun, as the men and boys donned black mustaches of various shapes, while the ladies and girls were given colorful paper flowers for their hair. Señora Irma Faulkner wore the best Mexican outfit.
The rustic hall was decorated with colorful tablecloths and napkins. There were very large, bright, handmade paper flowers for centerpieces. Mexican blankets and large sombreros added special flavor to the evening.
After sundown, those who wanted to go sliding on tubes left the hall for a couple of hours of exercise, while others chose sleigh rides, gliding along on the fresh soft snow with only the jingle of the horses' harnesses to break the silence. Still others chose to stay inside and fellowship.
A silent auction brought in funds to assist a young German couple needing medical treatment at the Mayo Clinic.
A baking contest, with prizes for appearance as well as taste, was held for 10- to 20-year-olds. There were cakes, bars and pies for all to sample.
Bill and Gayle Baylor organized the social. It was a most rewarding event.