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Houston North Holds Christian Women's Workshop
April 15 approximately 50 women of all ages from the Houston North, Texas, congregation came together to bond, encourage each other and learn about God's Word. The first meeting covered the topic of prayer. Participants were asked to read the first 15 chapters in The Power of a Praying Woman, by Stormie Omartian, prior to the meeting.
The facilitators, Tammie Smith and Sandy Sarin, organized the day's agenda and created questions for large group and small group discussion.
After the opening prayer, Judy Servidio spoke about the purpose of the workshop and the outcome we hope to achieve. Then, because this was the first meeting, the facilitators discussed their role. Next we heard from Mrs. Treybig who shared some lessons she'd learned about guarding our minds, asking God for direction and the importance of teaching our children to pray.
The next part of the meeting was a large group discussion. We talked about the different names we use when we talk to God and about miracles in our lives.
We were then asked to move from our "safe" group and find a place at another table according to our age. This gave us a good mixture of ages at each table to delve into the book for small group discussion. Each group chose three questions out of seven to answer and then we came back together as a large group to discuss our answers.
A survey was given at the end of the meeting for input as to what each person wanted out of the workshops and what she wished to accomplish in the subsequent meeting.