Minister Makes Third Annual Visit to the Dominican Republic
For the third consecutive year, the Dominican Republic received a visit from Ralph Levy, a minister who works in the home office and speaks fluent Spanish.
Dr. Levy left Cincinnati early on Thursday, Nov. 30, and flew to Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, via Atlanta. He was met at the airport by Australia de Cunillera, a lady who attends our informal group there, and her husband, Ramón "Quico" Cunillera.
On Friday evening, Dec. 1, there was an interactive Bible study in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cunillera, with seven members and visitors, plus Dr. Levy. A new attendee was Jeannet Alexandra Gómez Rodríguez, a young woman who was introduced to our faith by her cousin, Juan Núñez, a member from Mao, Valverde, Dominican Republic. She expressed interest and enthusiasm about the Church and hopes to continue to grow in God's ways.
During the Bible study we discussed the recent history of the Church, how one may know one is ready for baptism and plans for keeping the Feast of Tabernacles in 2007. Zoraya Díaz, a recently baptized member; her husband, Orlando Gabriel; and their two children plan to visit Argentina for the Feast, and some of the others hope to go with them.
On the Sabbath of Dec. 2, another Bible study was held, this one in the home of Damaris Salomón, with eight people present. The topics were the law and its applicability to the Christian, clean and unclean meats and fasting.
On Tuesday morning, Dec. 5, Dr. Levy met with Jhonny Blandino in his hotel room. Mr. Blandino had attended the Feast of Tabernacles once with our former association, but was never baptized. He was pleased to make contact again, and expressed his interest in continuing to study and to be part of the Church.
Dr. Levy returned to Cincinnati on Thursday, Dec. 7, after a successful trip. He plans on visiting the Dominican Republic annually.