News At A Glance
Attention Published Authors and Musicians!
We occasionally hear of United Church of God members who have published a book or recorded a CD. Congratulations! These are great accomplishments, and we know many members would be interested to know about your achievements. Though we strive to avoid promoting or seeming to advertise any products, for news and informational purposes we would like to feature the published authors and musicians in a special section of the August United News. Please take a few minutes to answer these questions and send a photograph by July 10.
1. Your Name, Congregation and Pastor's Name.
2. Name of book(s) published or musical recording(s) produced in the last five years (include date of publication or production).
3. Tell a little bit about the work(s) and how it (they) came about.
4. Tell a little bit about yourself (date of baptism, church activities, family, hobbies, etc.).
5. Optional: Comments from one or two Church members about your accomplishment.
6. Web address or e-mail address for more information.
Please send with a recent photo (conforming to biblical standards) by July 10 by
e-mail to or by mail to United News, P.O. Box 541027, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1027.
We reserve the right to use or not use items at our discretion and to edit for clarity and length; 250-word maximum length. Thanks!