News at a Glance
Feast Site in Bolivia Finalized
This year the Feast of Tabernacles in Bolivia will be observed in the region of Nor Yungas located at the northeastern part of the country. The region is a tropical zone with attractive flora and fauna surrounded by green mountains.
The Hotel Don Quijote, where we will have the Feast, is located less than one mile from the small tropical town of Coroico. This town is located 60 miles from the city of La Paz. The travel time from La Paz to Coroico is around two hours by bus.
The altitude of Coroico is 5,700 feet above sea level, and the temperature is in the 80s the whole year round. Nice summer clothes are fine for services.
The price of the Hotel Don Quijote, including three meals a day for the eight days of the Feast, will be only US$90 total. Transportation to and from La Paz to the hotel will be about US$10.
All the brethren who decide to attend this Feast will be accommodated in the same hotel where services will take place, so there will be no expense to travel to services. However, we are planning to have some outings that will cost about US$10 for transportation. Visitors must also pay a US$25 airport tax before leaving the country.
First Service: Friday, Oct. 6, at 8 p.m.
Information and Reservations: If you need more information about this Feast site, please contact Saúl Langarica at, or write to P.O. Box 10384, Santiago, Chile. You can also contact Raul Machicao by e-mail at
We hope to share the Feast with our brethren of the Church of God from Latin America and the rest of the world.