News at a Glance
New Educational Travel Program: Paris and London
A new aspect of the United Church of God's education efforts involves guided, organized visits to international sites with a specific focus on the biblical record and prophecy. The first program will feature a 12-day itinerary Dec. 27, 2006, through Jan. 7, 2007, featuring the great cities of Paris and London with their incomparable museums and histories, and tailored for young adults 18 to 30 years of age.
There will be a guide for preparatory study, daily discussions and specific site visits related to the educational objectives of the program. Desired outcomes include gaining new knowledge, deepening existing knowledge, appreciating the reality and veracity of scriptural accounts and building friendships.
This first program will be led by UCG pastor David Dobson and University of California educator Dr. John F. Karlik. The itinerary, application and cost can be found on the Web at or obtained by mail by calling (800) 858-6999. For additional information, David Dobson may be reached at (423) 239-0501.