News From Around the World
Senior Pastor Visits East Africa
John Elliott, senior pastor for East Africa and pastor of the Phoenix East and Yuma, Arizona, congregations, along with Monte Knudson spent three weeks visiting congregations in Africa in late January and early February. Their route took them through Johannesburg, South Africa, where they visited Bill and Cheryl Jahns.
"It was very helpful to both of us to share insights and experiences in serving God's churches on this continent," said Mr. Elliott in an e-mail from Kenya Jan. 28.
Meeting With Leaders
Their subsequent tour through East Africa included a two-day leadership conference focused on principles of Christ-centered leadership developed by the Godly Leadership task force. Additional discussions involved maturing phases that the work of God is passing through there.
"A deeper bonding among the leadership was a goal that was reached through applying many scriptural directives," said Mr. Elliott. "Assignments were adjusted to enable 29 congregations to be better served and visited more frequently by the local leadership. Budgets were reexamined and compared to actual costs and anticipated growth in a region that has experienced 38 percent and then 60 percent growth in membership during the past two years."
Two booklets, Fundamental Beliefs of the United Church of God and Transforming Your Life, are rolling off the presses in the local languages of Swahili, Luo and Kisii. "The importance of being able to understand the Bible's major doctrines and the process of conversion in one's own language cannot be underestimated." said Mr. Elliott.
As senior pastor for East Africa, Mr. Elliott spent time with each of the ordained leaders and his wife. The itinerary for this trip included several hours of private time where personal issues could be discussed at length. "Deeper understanding on my part and a closer relationship with each couple has resulted, ensuring that this will be part of future visits to the region," he said.
Visiting 10 Congregations
The tour also included holding Bible studies and Sabbath services at the Kenyan congregations of Nairobi, Migori, Kong'ou, Got Kachola, Ochuna Nyahera, Kosele and Madiani as well as Tanzanian congregations of Utegi and Nyanjage.
Two baptisms took place the weekend of Jan. 28 following close behind the 17 who were baptized during the Feast of Tabernacles. Precounseling for baptism is performed by the congregation leaders, who "refer them to me when fruits of repentance are becoming evident," Mr. Elliott said. "The result is that most whom I counsel are already nearing or are ready for baptism. The two men baptized this time each traveled to meet me from distant towns that were not on our route of travel."
Interested New Group
Mr. Elliott also visited a very eager group of 65 people at Ochuna Nyahera who are already very committed to the teachings of UCG.
"Knowing that our local leader in their area, David Ogweno Owak, had visited them on only three Sabbaths previously, I had not expected the depth of understanding or biblical knowledge they have," Mr. Elliott said. "Their questions revealed their broad understanding of the Bible and our literature but they wished to better understand certain passages, such as in Acts 10 where some apparently received the Holy Sprit before being baptized. Afterwards we were thankful to have squeezed the meeting with them into our already busy day visiting brethren at distant Got Kachola on the shore of Lake Victoria."
Several other new groups of very committed people are meeting every Sabbath in the Sotik area of Kenya.
Dealing With Famine
The famine continues to plague East Africa since little or no rain has fallen since the Feast. Some areas have had nothing for people or their grazing herds, prompting President Kibaki to ask residents in the capital city, Nairobi, to open their private yards to herdsman who have driven their herds of livestock there.
The Good Works program has provided funding for emergency grain and water-filtering equipment for the members who have little to eat and no remaining sources of clean water. "We have already begun the process of purchasing and distributing grain to them," said Mr. Elliott. "Now that we have two church buildings completed, we will be able to begin purchasing such grain during harvest season at low prices and storing it for emergency use in the future.
"In addition, the church properties will begin to be developed as agricultural plots for the use of our widows and orphans living nearby. David Ogweno has readily accepted the oversight of the project at Migori with the eager assistance of his wife, Damaris," said Mr. Elliott. UN