Northwest Family Weekend-Play, Learn, Dance, Ski

December 23-26, the Portland congregation will once again host the Northwest Family Weekend—granddaddy of winter weekends. This year we are moving our Friday and Saturday activities to the new Hilton Hotel in downtown Vancouver, Washington, with seminars on Friday and Sabbath services, teen costume dance and adult dance on Saturday. Sunday’s sports—volleyball, basketball and cheer squad will be at Skyview High School in North Vancouver, just 10 minutes from the Hilton. Last year’s Monday ski day was such a success that we will again spend Monday skiing, tubing, sledding or just enjoying the winter landscape at beautiful Mount Hood. Accommodations for skiers will be at the Lodges at Salmon River Meadows. For registration, lodging rates or event information go to and for questions email us at or find us on Facebook – NWWeekend.