Overview of Council of Elders Meetings

The meetings were called to order on Dec. 3 by Chairman Donald Ward. The first report was from President Victor Kubik. He covered various topics that included the dedication of the new Beyond Today recording studio and UYC camp meetings that were held recently at the home office. He discussed a new camp in Atlanta, Georgia, called Camp Woodland, and a new challenger young adult camp called Boundary Waters Adventure. He also talked about the Regional conference being held in Southern California.
Peter Eddington, the Media Operations Manager, then provided an update regarding the Church’s media efforts. The most recent United News issue is the highest it has ever been since UCG began with 16,788 in circulation. U.S. Beyond Today magazine subscribers are at 258,411. The Beyond Today YouTube channel has had 9.5 million video views. He also talked about the new video recording studio, the Beyond Today TV App for iPhone and the promotion of Amazon Smile for members.
The next report was given by Mark Welch, Operation Manager of Ministerial and Member Services (MMS). He expressed his gratitude in his new role and covered the changes in the ministry that have happened in the last couple months. He also detailed Sabbath attendance in the U.S. in the last four months, which has hovered between 7,000 and 7,100 people. In 2018 there were 115 reported baptisms.
The Church’s Treasurer, Rick Shabi, then gave a financial report. He opened by updating the Council on the number of projects that the Finance department is currently involved in, including tax issues surrounding the Tax Cut and Jobs Acts passed in early 2018, financing options related to the proposed Cincinnati church building acquisition, a new mileage reimbursement system being implemented for church employees, and budgeting for fiscal 2020, which will be presented to the Council during the February meetings. He concluded by briefly discussing the audit (more details are included on the report on page 3). Brief Committee Chairman Reports updates were given next.
On Dec. 4, an update on the Cincinnati congregation church building was given by Rick Shabi and Larry Darden. Executive sessions started at 9:48 a.m. that lasted the rest of the day.
On Dec. 5, the meeting was called to order and went into executive sessions. After executive sessions, Mario Seiglie presented an update on projects underway within the doctrine committee, along with proposed amendments to the fundamental beliefs. No amendments were passed.
On Dec. 6, the final day, Bob Dick covered some unfinished business from the previous meeting, as well as a review of the strategic plan and budget. Lastly, Rick Shabi and Larry Darden went over an update on plans for the Cincinnati East building.
Full reports, along with videos of some of the open sessions, are available at