United Church of God

Profile: Daniel and Cindy Harper, Americans in France

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Daniel and Cindy Harper, Americans in France

From their home in Normandy, Daniel and Cindy Harper can see the English Channel. But for these young U.S. citizens, the nearest United Church of God congregation has been a long ways away. It takes almost eight hours to drive to Bordeaux to be with the largest group of French brethren, or a weekend trip to reach their English brethren across the Channel in Tonbridge, Kent.

Thankfully, in April a new monthly Sabbath service was started in Paris (see the article on page 3). Mapquest says this is only about 3½ hours away! Daniel and Cindy help organize these services.

Daniel and Cindy are 2003 graduates of Ambassador Bible Center, and they will celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary this summer. Daniel also had an engineering degree and a minor in French in college, so he was uniquely suited to the job opportunity he took last year to further his career in the nuclear energy industry in France.

A Serving Couple

At the Feast in Collonges-la-Rouge, France, last year Daniel and Cindy threw themselves into service. Daniel did his first translation from French to English, gave a couple of sermonettes in French, led songs in French and much more. Cindy, who has a master's degree in education and has been immersed in the French language since moving to France last year, took care of the Feast flower arrangements, helped Daniel organize the variety show and myriad other responsibilities and spontaneous acts of service.

"We really appreciate Daniel and Cindy's enthusiasm and their willingness to jump in and serve in any way they can," said Joel Meeker, coordinator of the French-speaking areas. "They've driven long kilometers to spend time with their French-speaking brethren in France, Belgium and Switzerland, and their enthusiasm and commitment to the Christian way has been most encouraging. They have been working on their French, which is a very challenging language, and their skills are really improving, to the point where Daniel was able to give two sermonettes in French at the Feast in France this year."


Daniel said, "I did not grow up in the Church. I was called while in college, but my parents did not support me as I made changes to my life to keep God's commandments. I knew that I had to put God first, though I honored and respected them. After graduating from college, I decided to attend ABC without their approval. My experience at ABC helped me strengthen the foundation of my beliefs, and I was baptized on Aug. 10, 2003."

Cindy said, "I was born and raised in the Church, but it wasn't until I left home and went to college that I learned to really see the value of the beliefs and way of life that I was taught."


Living far from other brethren and ministers in a society that rejects the Bible and God has made Daniel and Cindy appreciate Sabbath services and Church resources more than ever.

In closing, Cindy said, "Pray for each other, think of the challenges brethren in isolated and also developing countries face in living God's way, and make a point to transfer to international Feast sites to learn more about and encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ." UN

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