UCG-Netherlands Creates National Council

When UCG-Netherlands was founded, there were no resident ordained elders in the country. Therefore, it was decided to temporarily associate with another UCG entity—in this case, UCG-Germany, with Paul Kieffer serving as pastor. The Dutch brethren have been most grateful for Paul Kieffer’s many years of faithful service to the Church in the Netherlands. Since we now do have two Dutch elders, the time has come for the Church in the Netherlands to stand on its own. Wim Dekker is the new UCG-Netherlands National Council Chairman, supported by Marcos Rosales.
The official name of the Church in the Netherlands is Verenigde Kerk van God (VKvG). The geographic area of responsibility of VKvG is the Dutch kingdom and areas bordering the Netherlands where the Dutch language is spoken (Flanders in Belgium). Where possible, UCG-Netherlands supports other Dutch-language regions (Suriname in South America, the Dutch Antilles in the Caribbean and South Africa) with Dutch literature and in other ways.
All of the English UCG booklets and Bible lessons have been translated into Dutch, and progress is being made to finish typesetting and printing them. The English Beyond Today magazine is distributed with a four-page Dutch supplement.
The Dutch also provide subtitles to the English Beyond Today TV programs which can be accessed through the Dutch website (verenigdekerkvangod.org). It can also be found on YouTube at bit.ly/dutchbt.
There is one nationwide congregation. Services are held alternately in Maarn (in the middle of the country) and in Reeuwijk (in the west of the country). The average attendance is 40 people with 28 baptized members. All age groups are relatively equally represented and include first and even up to fifth generation Christians!
The Netherlands is officially still in lockdown due to COVID-19 so Church members currently meet online for services. The Dutch congregation looks forward to meeting once again in person.
In June 2016, Beverly and I were privileged to visit our brethren in the Netherlands to get better acquainted with many in the congregation and visit some in their homes. You can read about our visit in my TravelArk blog at v2.travelark.org/travel-blog/victorkubik/18. It will give you insight into the Church as well as a nation associated with tulips, windmills and ships.