Vision TV in Canada Finds BT Statement About Islam Unacceptable
Susan Morris of Vision TV/The Christian Channel advised the Church Nov. 14 that "the following statement: 'A fundamental aspect of Islamic teaching is that Islam must become the dominant religion of the entire world' is unacceptable for broadcast because it does not accurately reflect the moderate segment in Islam which desires to live in peace with other faith groups, but reflects only the viewpoint of radical fundamentalist elements in Islam. This would constitute a violation of our Code of Ethics, Standards and Practices," she said.
Since the program she referred to, "Islam and Christianity—Can They Get Along?" was scheduled to air Nov. 18, Canadian elder Dennis Horlick quickly arranged to send the program "The Coming King of the South" instead. It promotes the same booklet, The Middle East in Bible Prophecy, and is the third-ranked Beyond Today program.
"Islam and Christianity—Can They Get Along?" had previously appeared in the United States and was the 15th-ranked program with 237 responses.
Guest Melvin Rhodes, who made the comment about Islam, said, "The statement I made on the program was partly influenced by a moderate Muslim I knew in high school and for some time after in my hometown in England. He had moved there from Gujarat state in India. He told me that it was the responsibility of every Muslim to spread Islam, as all the world must become Muslim…
"By the way, ex-Muslim Salman Rushdie said the same thing last year in New York. So, too, did Muhammad in 632 A.D."