United Church of God

2023 Camp Report: Mexico

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2023 Camp Report


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For the second year in a row, we have been able to hold a camp for both our youth and our children in Cuernavaca, Mexico from Monday, August 7-13, 2023. We had 19 staff members and parents who came to serve our 13 preteens and 15 young people.

We had Bible classes every morning based on this year’s theme. We mentioned the crown that God promises us, the rules of the “game” (God’s Law), generosity, happiness, balance, and a final teaching based on Revelation 3:11, “Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.”

The campers were responsible for cleaning, tidying up and washing dishes each day. Also, they had recreational activities such as a mixed soccer tournament, basketball games, a visit to a water park, a fair night, a dance night, a talent show and cooking classes. Here, youngsters cooked delicious cannelloni and the children cooked succulent egg sandwiches, and learned more about food so that they would be able to select and handle it.

This year we incorporated classes on first aid, responsible use of smart devices and the dangers of human trafficking taught by a member of the Church who used to be a policeman. This was very well received by the youth, children and their parents who participated.

Thanks to God for this beautiful opportunity to serve, and thanks for the contributions that were received to develop leadership in Mexico. See you next year!